
Friday, December 7, 2018

Dream trip

This is my all around the world dream trip.For the trip we had 60,000 km to use we had to star in Christchurch and end in Christchurch.

Click on this link to view my tour

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


True or False Snakrose Sighting

This is the trophy for if you can capture the Snakrose and give it to the SPCA.

Late last night at 10pm there was claimed to be a sighting of a large blue,green and purple animal taking the name of a Snakorse.It had the form of a snake mixed with a horse.The witness (John)said that the long lost animal had 2 legs and a snake’s tail.On the video footage John had taken that night the creature made a high pitch screeching noise.The sighting was on January the seventeenth 1899.The snakrose is truly terrifying exclaimed John.Before he could get close enough to egzamin the animal it ran away really fast.On the news there have been various sightings of the Snakrose but none of them have ever been as real as this sighting.Even though this animal is scary is has an unusual fear of raspberries.Rumor has it that whenever this animal goes somewhere it coils its tail around its body and disappears.It all happens so fast that no one actually knows the exact truth.Everybody now wants to find this animal and get the reward from SPCA for finding the animal.The reward is 165,000,000 dollars in cash.But before the pet control could get there the Snakrose had gone.It is like it was all a dream.