
Thursday, August 15, 2019

Super Spheros

In Tane Mahuta we have Rise rotations, Rise rotations are when three teachers come to our class on a Thursday and do really fun things for example battle bots and multiple challenges. This term in Alison kaiawhina we have been doing battle bots.
First we had to design the bot we were going to use for battling. We got to use 2 pieces of plain card, Felts to make it look pretty, tape ,scissors straws, and Plastic cups. To make it we had to cut a hole in the paper and slide the cup through and tape it.

When I used the battle bots / spheros I learnt that team work was essential and that you had to be very focused. One big thing we had to do ll the time was make sure the little light on the side of the sphero was always facing us because that made the aim was good.
When we did the test with the battle bots we decided that the design was really good with a wide base because it made sure the sphero was staying in the battle bot and it wouldn't run away and that it was very stable. The only design we changed was the colouring because we really wanted to get a place in the best dressed battle bot. When had finished colouring the battle bot we chose to call it the dancing Taniwha because it had a tutu.around the base.

I thought that the design really worked well and that our team work was really great because we had a great plan that if Meg coloured in the battle bot and I did the making that it would be faster and we have more time to get used to driving the battle bot around.
Next time I think that we could decide who was the best drive out of me and Meg and that would be the main driver. I also think that having more time to do the design would be good so we could have neater colouring and more precise designs.

Meg and me did well as being buddies because we had the same Ideas about how to make the battle bots a we did not argue about who was doing what. I think choosing Meg as a buddy was good because we worked really well together.We did pretty well with driving the battle bots and we popped 7 balloons that were on the bottom of the battle bots, To pop the balloons we had to aim that pin on our bot in the direction of the balloon.The rise values (Resilience, Integrity, Success and Empathy) we used were Resilience because we kept on trying when things weren't going our way and success for when we successfully popped the balloons.

This is our Battle Bot.

This is our battle bot design.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Levers and Pulleys

Levers and Pulleys.
In inquiry this term with Alison I learnt about levers and pulleys. The first activities I did were with Meg, The first activity was building a catapult out of Popsicle sticks , a cotton ball , rubber bands and a spoon what I did was use Popsicle sticks to make the base of the catapult and tied them together and then attached the spoon to the top , after building the base I put a cotton ball in the catapult and then bent the spoon back and fired it the cotton ball went so far. The second activity was also based on levers and we learnt a bit more about the fulcrum and the importance of it. We had to use a ruler , vivid, cups and cubes. We used the vivid as the fulcrum and taped it to the table, I balanced the ruler on the fulcrum and taped the two cups to either side of the ruler and put as many cubes as I could to make them balance.When I did the challenge at the end of the third week my group of three built a simple machine, on the simple machine we had 2 people (Meg and Charlotte) starting the creation they dropped the marbles into a cup which started the machine. The marbles rolled from the start ramp to two cups and one marble fell on the floor and the other went into a big ramp the lead of the seat and lead to a seesaw which made the marble drop into a glass of water. I think the creation was successful sometimes and other times it wasn't successful.I learnt that. . .when you use a lever it helps lift something too heavy to lift with your bare hands, I also learnt about fulcrums and that you need to move the fulcrum around to make things balance better, Learning about pulleys was the best because we used 1 pulley and then 2 pulleys and that it lifted the marble in a cup way easier.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Mouse

The Mouse.

I can see the man peering from behind the couch I creep out from behind the box and the man is looking around in search for me.I creep out from behind the table and quietly run across to the kitchen bench the man still hasn't seen me. The man saw me and then as quick as a flash he ducks behind the couch. I start to climb up what looks like an oversized bag and I see the peek once more from behind the couch he ducks hoping I didn't see him but I did. I keep on climbing and reach the top I walk past a jar of brightly colored candies . I hop across a spoon and dodge between items of cooking utensils. I see a box It kind of looks inviting . I run around the box checking out the outside I go around to the entrance peeking inside I cautiously walk inside and then the man peeks out from the couch revealing a toothy grin which then turns into a frown . The tap drips a deadly slow drip then the man smiles and jogs over to the box . I creep into corner afraid of what he will do . The man lets out a shriek and then starts dancing an awkward jig. I see his shadow peer over the box and then the tapping from the jig starts once more. He turns to the box and his joyful smile disappears. The man looks at the newspaper on the bench that had once hidden me then an idea strikes his head. I start to move to one side of the box hoping that it will tip off the table and I can escape but before my plan continues the man's hand slaps against the box ugh I am done for. He tries to reach for the newspaper but he just isn't far enough his finger bumps the paper. He’s carrying me out to the window I might escape. He constantly puts me outside hesitating as he hears a cat's meow.
I'm under the burning lamp in the giant man’s bedroom. He’s staring at me through the microscopic gaps in the box. He looks away at something I can't make out maybe the kitchen or lounge . I am waiting for about 3 minutes, with him away for that amount of time I am expecting that he is making me food. My assumption is wrong. He has come back with a killing machine ( when really it's only a fork) of course like most stories and the mouse always dies in the end. The killing machine is coming down fast at the box then it slows down at this time would rather be stabbed to death instead of losing oxygen very slowly. It seems my thoughts about the huge man are wrong he only prodding holes in the box so I can breathe. He gasps letting a huge gust of wind showers over me. He scamper across to the kitchen and grabs bread and some water in a bottle cap. He slides the water into my box I'm not interested in it . He breaks the bread into multiple crumbs and chooses the largest one for me. I wait their for a while and decide to put a bit of drama into his life. I push the crumbs out of the box he leans in closer to the box and then I see light . I tap my tail impatiently waiting for something to happen he toward the kitchen I nod hoping he will understand my want. He pushes back the bread and I am annoyed but scared so I lean back in shock. I turn away and I don't care if he thinks i´m arrogant while i'm turned in the other direction and he plucks up the bread. I am mad at myself because now he has eaten the bread and I was so hungry. He waves his hand around his clenched fist and the bread re appears that was just boring magic but still I was surprised.He places the bread on the table and I slowly creep forward I reach the bread and scamper away, he leans towards me ,my heart skips a beat then he places his hand only inches away from me. I run behind the bench , I have been waiting for what feels like forever and slowly the day turns into night and I have decided to get out from my hiding spot . I can see the huge beast of a man from the lamp in the kitchen and he sound asleep . I climb up the couch leg and reach the man's arm. His clothes are soft like silk and I can see some chip crumbs . I clamber across to the crumbs and pick up in my greedy mouth. I walk up to his shoulder and I want to sleep but instead I climbed to the ground and scurries underneath a chair. The man is silent for a while then his eyes blink open as quick as a flash and then the night is silent again.