
Tuesday, September 17, 2019



In the past few weeks Alison's kaiawhina we have been working with Talei on ecosystem and Climate change. To build an ecosystem you had to have three crucial things in it the first thing is a consumer e.g snails or fish i used snails but after the first week of having them I let them go the second thing was a decomposer e.g worms I didn't use worms so I used soil but most of the other groups did the third thing is a plant I used a sweet pea another good idea of what to use is a strawberry plant because like a sweet they grow fast.We had to make an ecosystem and here is how you make them.

What you need



.Producer seeds


. Tall wide clear container

.Food for your consumer



. Milk bottle lid

. working gloves

.something from where you found the consumer

How to make it:

Put Holes in the top of your clear container with the drill ( make sure you have parent permission)

Put pebbles at the bottom of your container ( make sure they only do a ground cover)

Put gloves on and fill the container a little less than half way with soil

Put the seeds in the container with space between each seed and compact them down

Place some pebbles around the container edge on top of the soil

Put in something from the consumers natural habitat in the container on top of the soil

Put the milk bottle lid in the Corner of the container and fill it with water

Water the soil so the seeds will grow

Place the consumers in gently

Shut the lid so the consumers can't escape
Make sure you water the ecosystem each day with a bit of water to feed the plant
I hope you follow these instructions and have fun with making your ecosystem.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Winter Sport

Winter sports reflection

Winter sports is when year 5,6,7 and 8 go out of school to play a sport for their school.It was a great experience to go out of school to play netball.
When I did winter sports, I played in the year 5 and 6 netball team with lots of other people who had either played netball before or had never played never before.
We got taught how to play by coaches from Avonside Girls. My coaches were called Cassie and Anya. They taught us how to do warm ups e.g Windows, Over and under, name passing and 7’s.
They gave us advice after each game and they gave one of the players Player of the day . I got player of the day 4 or 5 times.
When you were the Captain, you did paper,scissors, rock and if you won, you got to choose if you had the ball or the goal of your choice and at the end of the game the coaches chose one player of the day and the captain chose the other.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Kitchen Science

Kitchen science
In Alison Kiawhina for inquiry this term we have been looking at kitchen science with Kathy.
I found all the experiments really fun and enjoyable to watch the combinations to do a chemical reaction or a physical reaction. I had some favorites for this inquiry and they were turning milk to stone and Elephants tooth pastes. I liked elephant's toothpaste because I never knew that if you put yeast and water into detergent, Hydrogen peroxide and food coloring that it would cause a chemical reaction and explode. I liked Milk to stone because it was so epic seeing the milk and vinegar separate into liquid and solid. After 42 hours it was too hard to break with bare hands. While doing the experiments I learnt that in solids the tiny Molecules Are packed tightly to make the object packed firmly, In liquids the Molecules are packed lose enough so they can move around a tiny bit and the liquid fits into the shape it is in and for gas the Molecules are packed so they have a lot of room to move around. It was so amazing to learn that the whole world is made of the exact same thing called Matter. Matter is made of Minuscule Atoms and 2 or more Atoms joined together are called molecules and groups of molecules are called substance.