
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Types of life

This is what we have done for science today. We had to decide what order these kingdoms evolved. This is a Link to the screencastify about the six kingdoms.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Word definitions


Movement - Moving in a direction or the way animals move
Respiration - People and animals breathing
Sensing - The senses that animals have
Growth - Growing and developing
Reproduction - Giving birth to a live animal
Excretion - When you let go of waste
Nutrition - What animals and humans eat
Marsupial - An animal that grow and develop inside their mother
Monotreme - Animals that lay eggs
Mammal - A warm blooded animal
Carnivore - An animal that eats other animals
Primate - The section the Humans fit into
Invertebrate - an animal without a backbone
Vertebrae - an animal with a backbone

Thursday, July 23, 2020

William Pike challenge

This is the progress in the William pike challenge that I have been doing. To complete my outdoor activities I am planning on going to Adrenalin forest with a group of my class mates. We might also be going skiing so that will fill up my outdoor activities slot. To fill up community service I will be going to a plantation day to plant native plants. The other thing that I will be doing is a cleanup at a local park or the beach. I have already filled up my passion project.
My William pike progress

Monday, July 20, 2020

MRS GREN and giraffes

At school we are learning about biology. I have made a slide about Giraffes using the 7 living processes. I will remember the acronym MRS GREN

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Mt Herbert

On Saturday me and my family walked up Mt Herbert. We had to catch a boat from Lyttleton to Diamond Harbor at 7:10. When we got to Diamond Harbor we were in time to see the stunning sunset.At the top of the hill it was super cold. Half way up the hill you could find small patches of snow on the ground. Then as we got further up the hill ( we were walking on a farm track) the water troughs for the cows were frozen over. It was fun throwing snowballs at each other. Multiple times I tried to pick up sheets of ice that had frozen over the troughs but the result was . . . wet me!
When the hillside ( or should I say mountainside, 7 kilometres of steep - ish up hill ) got a bit slippery we had to be careful because...
I was running on a small bit of down hill and slipped over. The result was that my pants got absolutely soaked through and muddy so I had to wear track pants. My brother Lewis also fell over. On the way up the best thing was seeing these very cute and fluffy cows. The best thing on the way down was sliding on the snow.
Here are some photos . . .

This is me and Lewis looking at the frozen over water troughs

This is a the view from half way up the mountain.

This was the stunning sunset from Diamond Harbor

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Toffifee war

I was given a pack of toffifees by my grandparents and in the packet there were 15 toffifees. In my family there are four people so to divide them out fairly we could each have three and the last three would be given out by a competition. The competition was simple...
To get a whole toffifee ( 1st place ) you had to write a short story on why you deserve the toffifee. 2nd and 3rd place would share the 2nd toffifee out. As the one who got given the pack of toffifees I decided that I should get a whole toffifee without having to participate in the competition. I also choose that I would be the judge for the competition. The results were...
Mum - 1st place with a long short story
Dad - 2nd place with a great piece of writing
Lewis - 3rd with a very very short piece on writing on why nobody should have the toffifees
Toffifee | Walmart Canada
This is a pack of toffifees


Today I went skiing at Porters ski field. It was super cold and it was snowing for most of the day. When we went to the top I thought that my fingers might just fall off. I went on most of the trails that had new snow and powder because it was really nice. At the top of the ski field most of the snow was powder and there were very few rocks and icy patches. I had fun skiing down the trail called Solitude which is at the top of the field. The one called Julians bowl was also really nice with fresh powder
I can't wait to go again.

This is a map of the ski trails that you can take. 

Thursday, July 2, 2020


For passion project for the William Pike Challenge I did some yoga. I did some yoga buddies moves with Sophie and we did four people yoga moves which were really fun. If you don't know what to do for passion project you could do yoga or something new to you.

Tech today

Today for tech I had electronics and mechatronics. They were both fun. For electronics I sand blasted an image onto my piece of glass which is soon going to be lit up by a light that I made. For mechatronics I started to create and design my robotic putter. Next week I will finish making the putter and completely make my light.

Cross country

On Wednesday we had cross country at 2:15. For the 7's and 8's we had to run three laps of the school which was 3 kilometres. When I lined  up at the starting line all around me was a group of kids from year 5 - 8. The grass was really muddy so I had to avoid slipping and falling over. We had to run on grass and the footpath. I didn't like running on the path because it made my feet hurt. I was so happy when I got told that I had come 2nd. I was really tired after the run but I was glad that I had completed it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Black beauty charecter values

CHARACTER VALUES :Choose one character from your novel. Which of our values (Resilience, Integrity, Success and Empathy) does your character show? How and when?

He used integrity when a drunkard tried to get a ride at 4 in the morning but he said no because. One they asked for him to go really fast. And two because they were drunk and they were being mean. The way he used integrity was because he stuck to his mortal principles. 

Community service

Today Charlotte, Lila, Poppy and I went to the SPCA to drop off the dog toys, money and dog and cat food that we made ( dog toys Poppy and I ) and fundraiser ( money and food Charlotte and Lila )
We got to play with two cats called Sarah and Daisy. Daisy had 3 legs but she was very playful and lovable. Sarah was very active and loved having lots of attention. Daisy was adopted and soon to be moved to a home and Sarah was up for adoption. Then we went into the Bunny enclosure and there was a super duper fluffy bunny called fruit loops. I loved the bunny called Leroy who was a mini lop eared. In total there were 6 bunny's all various breeds. Some of them had red eyes which was creepy. And one of the bunnies snapped at Poppy it was cute because he was fat and it looked strange. We also got Mac Donald I got a raspberry slushie which gave me a brain freeze.
I would love to go to the SPCA again.
These are some pics from the SPCA . . .

Sarah the cat

Daisy the cat

All of us with Celsiy

All of us with what we donated

Us with a certificate