
Monday, December 14, 2020

A & P show

This year we had an A&P show at our school, prior tot he actual A&P show cancellation. We started planning our A&P show in term four. There were many thighs to enter in, such as produce, crafts and baking, how does your garden grow, show us what your pet can do and a get the whole family involved. I entered the driftwood art competition, pressed flower competition and  driftwood garden. I got prizes for all of them. I got best in show for the driftwood garden and the other two got judges choice. On Thursday I volunteered ( along with Charlotte, Poppy and Cara) to help with the pony rides. We got to sit with one of the pony's and groom it. The pony was called lollipop. 
I also went skateboarding, it was a new thing for me and I found that I really enjoyed it. I also got 37 cm in the longest apple peel, there was a specific technique to it. Earlier that day we asked the fireman if we could go in the firetruck. It was so cool. When he turned on the lights we all lent out the truck to gaze at them. It was a really fun day and the process of making the entries was also fun.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

2020 - how it has gone

  This year has been a year that we have all had to adapt to. But everybody has ended up in a good way. I has been like a roller coaster. A roller coaster where friends have been there to calm your nerves and help you to the end. So this is how my 2020 went.

TERM 1 - 

Term one was a daunting term, because it was my first year stepping into tangaroa, a big senior. I felt so superior to being a year 6. And the senior jacket. Term one was also the term we started to become more independent. We went to camp at Spencer park, we had to bring a tent, put it up and own our self. Then we had to make our own tea. I had a burger and corn chips, it was yum.       

TERM 2 -

In term two we had to go into lock down. We all had to get into a different flow again. It disturbed everyone. But after a while my Chrome Book came. I found it easier to work at home, prior to no distractions.  I think that I got my work finished quicker without many distractions.

TERM 3 -

Term three was kind of a fun term. Once again we settled in to the flow of hand sanitizing and staying away from all of the bad germs. But once we got deeper into the term we got to experience Adrenalin forest. It was scary sitting up in the trees when all of the branches were shaking around. I also got to go skiing. The snow was very scarce but we had fun with the snow that was available.

TERM 4 -

Term four was a sailing mission. I nearly tipped to boat quite a bit. But thanks to encouragement from friends ( Poppy and Ava ) and some of the instructors I managed to keep going. We also got to tip the boat on purpose ( which is called capsizing ). It was an experience. 

HIGHLIGHT - We started surfing lessons.                                                                                                        EMBARRASSMENT - When we were playing spotlight at camp( with lives ), Mum was in, she tagged  Sophie and then I started talk to her, oblivious to the fact that she could tag me, and she got me.                      WHAT I LEARNT -   To always try things, but only do it if it is safe. In other words. Get beyond your safety zones.