
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Shoe Sizes Graph


For maths we have been learning about graphs, mean average and mode. This is a graph I have made about The shoe sizes of some people in the class. The vertical axis with the writing ' Size Of Shoes' Is called a Y axis, the horizontal axis is called the x axis. There are data labels which are the names of the people I have surveyed. The bars show the size of the shoes. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Town Trip

 Yesterday we went into town on two buses, a year 8 bus and a year 7 bus. The year 8 bus went to the Victoria square. Before the Victoria square was made, Maori used it as a trading market. When we got there we ate a bit of food to fuel us. We got given worksheets and had to do tasks that were based on belonging. The tasks involved drawing and designing our own Pou. We had to draw a huge weeping willow - the french brought the Willow here, This piece of information surprised me.  We had to draw statues as modern versions ( Queen Victoria and captain Cook ) and we had to answer the questions that went along with the drawings and designs. Then we had our lunch and we got into three lines and walked down tot he town hall . We went to the town hall to watch the performance Tumahana We got walked up stairs into the upper section of the hall.  The performance started when Tangaroa ( Takaroa ) and Papatuanuku got together and had many children. Then Tangaroa had to go away on a journey. Ranginui ( Rakinui ) saw Papatuanuku sitting on her own. Ranginui grabbed up Papatuanuku. Rakinui and Papatuanuku got together and had many children. When tangaroa came back he fought Ranginui. Tangaroa eventually lost, but he had injured Ranginui. The children who were between Papatuanuku  and Ranginui became ill because their father was injured.  So the children pushed their parents apart so they could have light and they could get well. The parents agreed. The children were finally free. The sky and the earth were apart.  Some of the children celebrated and some denied it. 

I think that this was a great learning experience.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Bok Choy - Big Idea

                                                                   Bok Choy

Bok choy is about a Chinese man who rescues Jacob ( someone who is scornful to people with colored skin ) from a river. Jacob changes his mind about being racist and starts to appreciate Ah Sum. The big idea of the story is to Accept people for who they are and that stereotyping people and being racist is not OK. 

Self portrait

 For inquiry we have been doing art and self portrait. I chose to do an abstract portrait. We had to make sure that the piece of art represented ourselves.  I have done puzzle pieces which represents all the different people and thing in your life. I have also made a moral for the drawing. The moral is... You don't always get the puzzle done in the first time, but you have to keep trying to fit it together. Same goes with you and me, we just have to stay focused on the main goals in life. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Sumner Surf

 Today a group of kids got chosen to go down to Sumner for surfing lessons. I was one of those kids chosen.  First we got scattered into some cars for the drive. When we got there We put on our wet suits and got given a board. I got a long blue board.  Then we put our boards into a circle, got given colored rash tops ( to keep us visible and to put us into groups) my rash  top was blue. Then we did warm ups and practiced popping up. After about ten minutes of doing that, we went out into the surf. It was quite good but I got smashed a few times. We did yoga on our boards when we were out back. I got a few good waves and few bad waves. I got some great tips that made me improve and make the waves more enjoyable. It was so fun.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Reading Graphs - Sports Stats


  • I can tell that the students would rather play Bull rush to to volleyball

  • Bull rush is the most favorite

  • Volleyball is very unpopular

  • About 27 students like playing basketball

  • Touch and tennis have the same amount of likes. 

  • Hockey and netball would be OK for most kids.




  • Bull rush

  • Dodge ball

  • Basketball

  • Soccer

  • Rugby

  • Netball



I have chosen these sports because you can get the equipment easily and they are team sports where you are physical. I was a bit unsure about rugby but with practise you could play safely. 

  • Volleyball

  • Tennis

  • Hockey

  • Touch


I am not using these sports because the least amount of students like playing these sports. I am not using hockey because I think that It would be hard to have hockey because everyone needs the equipment to play and some people cannot get mouthguards and you can’t have spare mouthguards.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Parts of a graph - statistics

 These are the parts of a graph - 

Statistics Graph - Bullying

 For maths we have been working on statistics, I have made a graph about bullying at school. I have collected the data from a survey with 5 questions that is sent out to some students. I chose the most descriptive question that gave the answers to the question. The question I chose was do you get bullied by other kids from our school. This is the data I collected - 

I think that this is very good data and that it has given me the answer I want. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Statistics Voabulary

 Yesterday in maths we learnt about statistics vocabulary with flash cards. This is a photo of the work I have done on memorizing them.

1880's upperclass versus 1880's lowerclass


The similarities between the upper class and the lower class of the 1880s are that… men always wore suits of some sort, whether they were tatty or posh. They had over coats and long pants. Women always wore dresses, and sometimes they both of the classes had hats of some sort. For both age groups the women were very small so the designs for the shoes had toes that were clasped in.

This is what upper class women would wear in the 1880’s

Upper class men of the 1880’s

Lower class men 1880’s

lower class women 1990’s


There were a lot of differences between the two times.

1880’S upper- They wore tight corsets, day bodices and dresses with narrow shoulders with sloping and tight sleeves. Their dresses would poof out at the back. They were very small in those times so their shoes were very narrow. Clasping their toes together. Men wore long suits with tight shirts and a walking pole to go with it. They always had curled moustaches.

1880’s Lower -

The womans dresses were small and usually long sleeve, they were made of thin cotton like material. Men usually had pants and shirts, they had hats and mitch match items to go along with it.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Gymnastics One

 Today we went to the Christchurch School Of Gymnastics. It took about half an hour to get there. First we had to divide into 5 different groups. We did a warm in lines which was running, high knees and lots of stretches. I found it nice being able to warm up and stretch before we had to do more fun activities. My first activities was the bars. We had to hold ourselfs up in a tuck position for three seconds. I found this easier because I do dancing and we work on core strength. We moved to a piece of elastic tied to a bar which we had to place our feet through and swing in a n L position. We had to do lots of other tasks that involved core strength and perseverance with the bars. We then moved into a line and walked to the beams, which were each staged at different heights. We had to walk, walk backwards, grape vine and crawl. We had tp make sure our arms were out so that we were balanced. I had to make sure that I had one foot in front of the other the whole time. After that we had the trampoline. We got to bounce as high as we could and we did lots of variety of jumps. My favorite was star jumps and straddle jumps. Then we got to go on the springiest tramp that lead into the foam pit. We got to do jumping turns and lots more then we had to do one big jump into the foam pit. I had to help Greta out because she got stuck in the pit : ) We then had the floor which involved a variety of skills for handstands and cartwheels. I liked ding the cartwheels along the beam because it involved moments of thrill. I can't wait for next time because we will be doing flips and tumbles. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

Quick write

 The rattle of guns echo across the reddened fields. My heart pommels out of my camouflaged chest. Over my shoulder a gun is slung, my hands steer themselves to it. I urge my feet to run, diving onto my stomach, with my eye through the aim I take fire from a wanderer. His face looks like he is calling for death. Most feel the same. A bullet runs past my ear - panic fly's up my body - and into my shoulder. The force from the bullet grabs me and yanks me down the bank and into the nearest trench. A man yells at me then calls for his mates. They come rushing with a deathly pale looking woman with a red cross on her arm. That was the last thing I saw.

When I wake up from my dramatic faint I can feel a stiff white bandage around my wounded shoulder. I thank the nurse who walks past me. She smiles faintly. I pull my self up to a sitting position and examine the room. In a corner I spot someone who looks familiar.                                                                                        " Annie, is that you." I yell, catching some disapproving looks,

" Robbie, Oh your OK, Mia Rose was so distressed" Cries Annie my neighbor and close companion. we hug each other for a while, taking away pain of homesickness. 


 Today for fitness we did teamwork which was running around the track in groups, we had to have the slowest at the front and fastest at the back, we had to stay together in the group.  We also did challenges with Tyre such as flipping it and rolling it. I think that my fitness has improved. then we went tot he confidence course and went around that a few times. The confidence course includes monkey bars  and obstacles that you have to climb up and vault off. It was really fun : )

Friday, March 5, 2021

Maths Test

 Today we did a quick 100 hundred math test, I got 7 seconds slower then last time because I got 5 minutes and 22 seconds but I also got one hundred out of hundred. I think that I will still work on fluency so that I can get my score of under 5 minutes. Once I gain that goal then I will work on my division skills.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Quick write

 My dress poofs out to the side of me. Hans is holding me up, my heels splaying my feet out to the sides. I look up at him, the positioning of the lights causing him to look deathly pale. 

“ Come on Elsie, your mother would be heartbroken if you didn’t come to the ball “ moans Hans, he starts walking to show how he is my superior, and that I should be following. I roll my eyes solemnly and follow along.

“ Ya know Hans, if you were a true man, you would let me stay home, Tell the folk that I’m sick” I cry in despair. Dresses, ugh, pretty frills, double ughh. 

“But Els, it's what your Mother said” .

 I follow him through the great oak doors and into a loud, chaotic room. The orchestra is playing at full blast, and the high pitched laughs are floating around the room. I walk straight into my ignorant sister and sigh. 

“ well, Elsie , I must say, that dress is gorgeous on you, totally compliments your red hair” Says Matilda

“ Oh really”  I grumble. I. HATE . THIS. I think in my head. Blughh, blughhh,blughhh.

Choice 'n' Challenge

 For choice and challenge last week Meg, Zoey and I did cafe Rawhiti. We had to help 16 boisterous little kids make themselves batter for pancakes and hot, steaming milos. Toast was an option but no one choose that. Lots of the kids spilled their mixture over their tops. To make the kids more independent they had to make the mixture themselves and they had to clean up and take responsibilities for their mistakes. I can't wait for next weeks choice and challenge. 

Swimming sports

 At nine forty five all the students from Rawhiti school who were participating in the swim sports went down to our school pool. We quickly got changed and hurried up to claim a spot at thew side lines. All the backstroke races were first year 4 1 length ending at year 8 2 length. I came second in the backstroke year 8. Then it was breaststroke, I came 2nd in my race a again. Skip to the relays for free style and My team came 3rd, racing against the teachers. I am going to zones for 2 things.