
Friday, April 16, 2021

Sumner Surfing

 Today a group of twelve people went to Sumner to go surfing, when we got there the surf was very small and then it gradually grew bigger. The waves started to get choppy but I managed to catch a few decent waves. Eden and I caught a wave together on one board. It only worked for about 10 seconds but it was still very fun. I got some hot chips which were real yum. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Sealers and Whalers

 Sealers and Whalers arrival in Aotearoa.

Why did whalers and sealers come to NZ? 

WHALERS - to get whale oil from the whales in New Zealand

SEALERS - To get the fur off seals because at the time seal fur was a treasure

They both came to get more whales and seals because there weren’t enough in Europe - The European outpost explosion.

When did the whalers come to NZ 

The whalers came to NZ in the 1820s

When did sealers arrive in NZ?

The sealers came to NZ in 1791

What is sealing and whaling?

Sealing and whaling were run by offshore companies that collected fur, bones and oil from whales and seals, because it was very popular in that time.

How did whalers kill whales?

The whalers fired a harpoon into the whale and made the Whale drag the boat until it got exhausted and then they speared it again to kill it. They would then take it back to shore.

How did sealers kill seals?

The sealers went out at night along the rocks with clubs and then nclubbed the seals in a bog group, many of the sealers slipped and drowned or got killed by seals.  They took the seals to their workplace and hung them out to dry.

What did ‘hunters’ gain from seals and whales?

WHALES - The whalers gained  oil and valuable bones, the oil was used for lots of things, they also gained money.

SEALS - the sealers gained the fur from the seals which was a very fashionable item at that time. 

They also gained money.

Which areas did whalers and sealers congregate?

SEALERS - They found seals in New Zealand mainland and the Antipodes, Auckland, Bounty, Campbell, Chatham, Macquarie and Snares Islands 


The whalers Found most of their southern right whales in Kaikoura.

What nationality were most sealers and whalers?

Maori, American, French, European.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Art - good copy


This is the good copy of my art I have done puzzle pieces because it recognizes the pieces of my life. I chose abstract art because it was easier to do and it didn't have to be perfect. I wrote the moral on it so everybody knew the reason I did it like that. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Tech Today

 Today for tech I made the base for my pencil holder. I am planning to have something that will hold headphones and a phone. I want there to be space for some paper. I didn't like doing the cutting out for the base but everything else was fine. Then we had cooking and we made rice balls again. I helped the teacher count apples for what we are making next week.