
Friday, March 20, 2020

Choice and Challenge

Today Me, Clara, Kirsten, Charlotte and Poppy took netball for the juniors for their choice and challenge day. We had 4 kids. Me and Kirsten took two of them to do a warm up game. Then we did passing and shooting drills. Once the other three had finished their warm ups we did some games all together the games we did were like tag and octopus. Then the kids who had been at soccer came, so we played bigger games wit then we did more shooting. All the kids were really close to the hoops. One kid  was a bit of a handful but we managed. In the end it all turned out well.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Hunger Games book reveiw

Book review, by Isla
The Hunger Games
By Suzanne Collins

Katniss Everdeen is from District twelve, with her younger sister Primrose and her mother to look after she doesn't want her name to be called. But when her little sisters name is called she cant let her die in the hunger games, so she volunteers for her sister. Now instead of her sister being in the Hunger Games she is and she will do whatever it takes to survive.

Every year a male and a female get their names picked from a glass globe to sacrifice their lives in the Hunger Games which is entertainment for the people of the Capitol. There are twelve districts which means there will be fierce competition to stay alive. Katniss and Peeta will have to like each others for they are now fighting together.

In the hunger games sponsors are crucial to stay alive, because sponsors means food during the games. Packages are sent to the players during the games from their sponsors the packages usually contain food or medicine so Katniss and Peeta desperately need people to like them. When they go out on the carriages with their clothes on fire to represent the coal mines in their district the crowd goes wild.

Will Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Malark survive the deathly Hunger Games.

This book is really interesting for people who don't mind blood, death and violence. I would recommend this to people who are capable readers and love misery and adventure that scares you out of your skin. Its probably one of the best books I have ever read.

Swimming sports

Today I went to the Zones for swimming sports the styles I got through for were Breaststroke and Backstroke. When we got to the Jelly park  which was where we were swimming today. When I walked into the building a gush of hot air ran through my body, it was cold outside. First I had to wait about three hours until the year seven races were on. I lost my voice cheering for my schools competitors. After the breaks we had the year 7 and 8 relay teams our teams came 2nd. Then it was my turn and I nearly missed both of the races. In The end I came 3rd in breaststroke and 2nd in backstroke.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Spencer Park CAMP Reflection

On Thursday the 5th of march my the seniors at Rawhiti school went to school camp at Spencer Park. We had to bring all of our own dinner and a tent to sleep in for the night. We had to walk or bike the whole way there and back which was about 8.6K each way. I decided to bike. It was really tiring. On the there and back there were a few injuries that made the trip slower but nobody really minded because we were in the fresh air which was really nice. My Growth was when I learnt howto put up a tent without help.
I used Resilience when I Kept on going all the way to camp even though it was really hot and I was tired, Empathy when I told Zara that it would be okay when she fell of her bike going down a really steep hill on the way there, Integrity when I helped Sophie put double air be in their tent and last but not least I showed Success when I Finally got to camp after the long journey. Camp was really fun and I would love to do it again. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Monday, March 2, 2020

Fitness H.I.I.T. training

Today for the fitness training we paired up. I was paired up with Kirsten. Nogo made us all line up on the red line. He called out lots of instructions. Most of the things we did were involving our legs arms and upper body. The hardest thing was the 'Lady press ups'. I find those types of push ups hard because they are really awkward. The other things we did were Sprinting, Sit ups, Butterfly kicks, Duck walk, Laying on our front then rolling onto our backs then running back and a lot more. After each of the circuits we were all very tired. Nogo said that we would soon be doing the beep test. All of the exercise will make us really fit for the beep test. I was so tired afterwards so I had some water to re-hydrate myself.