
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Poem reflection

Poem ReflectionI think that social media fame is the same. People are still probably feeling like somebodys when they are famous on social media but they feel like nobodys when they are off social media because of people only liking them as the face they are on the internet. The pressure would be so high for some famous internet stars because they would have to be perfect on the internet and try to be perfect in reality. I think this because when it says ‘ they’d banish us you know’ it makes me think well they would only banish them as normal people not somebodys. The emotions expressed by the poet show that if you made one wrong move you would be hated and that when she says ‘ how dreary to be somebody’ it shows there are lots of bad things about being famous. I would definitely be a nobody.

Monday, May 25, 2020

What you could do for a passion project

In my class we are doing the William Pike Challange. If you are stuck and don't know what to do for your passion project I have a few tips and ideas for you.....
Things you could do:
learn a language
learn how to skate/surf
make sure that the thing you do is something you enjoy
Make sure that you aren't over working.
Hope this helps

Listening poem

With a microphone plugged into the earth we can hear Roots growing, water-flow, red lava burning
up through the dirt.
We can hear worms wriggling, plants expanding, pipes running, tiny millipedes eating. When we take our earphones off we can hear earth's huge silence listening back.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Cats VS gravity

Cats VS gravityCats are much more talented than humans. They not only have strong back legs and lack of weight they also have grace, accuracy and lots of strength. When they jump they go into a crouch which gives them the power. We humans are unable to do so. What cats sometimes don't have is the friction they need. Cats have evolved to jump. It is natural for them to jump because their bodies have the right back legs and lack of weight, strength and grace. So the idea of this is cats have evolved to jump.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Free writing short story.

This is the free writing I did over lock-down

“ why would you do that Izzy why why why” Mum says in a voice that says don't answer back or else… I walk off to my bedroom and start to cry. I sigh, making Ruby jump. “ Sorry Rubs but Mum just blamed me for smashing her favorite vase. It wasn't me I’m sure of it” I say all of that too loud and by the end of the sentence Ruby is hidden away under my bed. I reach for her silky fur and when I’m sure I've got her in my grasp I slowly pull her out from under the bed. Slowly she resists and I can get her fully out from under the bed. When I pick her up to give her a hug, ten years worth of dust is attached to her smooth black fur. I flick all the dust off which takes me a while and when half of the dust is off my Dad comes in and sits next to me pushing Ruby off my lap. I grab her back quickly, “ Izzy I know that you didn’t break that vase, but you have to tell your Mother that. She won’t believe me” I sigh, again Ruby leaps off my lap. It really feels like nobody likes me I think. I slowly walk down the stairs. What I see shocks me. The cat is sitting on the table where the vase was and she is licking her paws. The cat did it. Seriously. How will I tell Mum, she won't believe me. Oh well.

Monday, May 18, 2020

My new word

In literacy we have been given a task to discover and learn a new word. The word I choose means fighting and or having an argument. The word I have chosen is CONFLICT. To help remember the word conflict I will think of when me and my brother have a fight.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A letter to me

A letter to me

I woke up that morning remembering last night. A silent tear dripped down my face at the thought of never seeing my dear father again. He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye, would he? I ran down the stairs, my father was sitting at the table with a suitcase resting at his feet. Another silent tear came up my throat daring to fall onto my cheek. I can't cry, I said to myself. Father stood up and walked slowly towards me. He kissed me softly on the lips. I didn't care whether I cried or not right now, I was never to see my father again. “ Now Lola don't you cry” his wrinkly hands wiped a tear from my face. That only made me cry more. “ Lola I promise that I will come back” he held his pinkie out towards me. I linked my pinke between his, holding it there for as long as I could. There was a knock on the door and a young soldier stepped into the house. “ Lieutenant Colonel the cab is waiting” . I pulled Father's hand down and kissed him one last time on the cheek. “ Lola you be good for your Mother Ok she will need your help”. I nodded my head slowly.

I walked up to my Mother's room and knocked on the door. She opened it and let me inside. I sat down on the bed making Primrose our or should I say mother’s snobbish cat. Primrose hates me so much. “ Mother could I get a cat of my own now that Father has left and well you’re always in bed” I pause trying to figure out what to say without hurting Mother. “ Ummm doing what you do all day long”. Mother looks confused but soon answers back in a voice that's too high and mighty for her “ yes darling but you have to get yourself to the shop and I will give you the money”.

I walk out of her room with money in my hand. I still miss Father as much as I did when he left a few hours ago. A heavy cloud of guilt circles around me. I have taken Mother's weak head for granted and I am now getting the cat Father forbade me to have. Oh well he will never return home. The bell dings as I walk into the pet shop. A lady asks me what I want and leads me slowly to the kittens. I can see 10 kittens huddled together. But one of the kittens just catches my eyes.” umm excuse me Miss but could I please hold the very small one that is in the corner”. The lady looks at me then opens the cage door with a key and hands me the tiny little kitten. I smother my cheek into the tiny kitten's fluffy fur. “ may I please buy this kitten, and what gender is the darling” “ she's a girl”. I walk to the pet care aisle and pick out everything that I need: toys, a bowl, litter tray, bedding,carry cage, food and last of all a tiny little pink collar that has a bell.

I walk out of the shop with the kitten in a carry cage. I can't stop thinking about what to call the darling and then it hits me. I will call the kitten Esme after my father's nickname for me, he always says Esme my beloved in a sophisticated way. It really does suit her. When I get home my Mother is on the porch with Primrose in her hands. I put all the bedding and other stuff for Esme down. My Father always told me that Esme meant beloved and loved is the first thing my kitten would be. I pick Esme out of her cage and she huddles into my blue jacket. Mother walks to me still holding onto Primrose. “ So this is our new family member” I nod and Esme turns her head towards Primrose and then Primrose does the unexpectable and reaches towards Esme and scratches her down the side of her face. I pull Esme back into my jacket and take a few steps back. Esme yowls and licks her scratch. “ Don't you ever let Primrose do that to Esme ever again” This time Mother nods fearfully. I lead my mother to her room and settle her into her bed, making sure Primrose is on her bed still I go out of the room and run back to Esme. The flimsy kitten is sitting down in her cage with her eyes dropping down like she's asleep. When I stroke my hand down her back she flinches and opens her eyes so they are all the way open showing her pretty emerald tints that sparkle in her eyes. “ I love you Esme I love you so much” I mutter into her silky soft fur. I will not let that mean Primrose hurt you I think solemnly. I take Esme into the backyard and give her a ball of string. She tears it from my hand, she obviously loves playing with the string. That night I dream that Father is sitting next to me and playing with Esme whilst reading me a story. I sigh wishing that I could be with Father instead of Mother, I don’t mean to hurt Mother but Father and I have a bond with each other while the only one who has a bond with Mother is Primrose. Huuuh I just cant survive without Father he just brightened up the world.

A man knocks on the door, disturbing my thoughts. I open the door and he holds out a envelope and says " its from Lieutenant Colonel". I muffel a silent sob. I walk back inside and tear open the letter. All that is says is ' I am sorry my darling but I will never return because' I can hardly read the rest for it is wet from the tears that have fallen from his face I continue reading' because I am dying, I have been shot in the chest and cannot live much longer. I love you so so much, be good for your Mother. Love your father' I start to cry this time I shall not hold the tears in.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Bad bullying

Bullying should be dealt with

I believe that bullies should be dealt with more severely then they are now.
Bullies are hurting people not only physically but also mentally and the bullies are getting away. I think whole heartedly that they should be dealt with.

Children are suffering from being bullied and that is not right. Most people will have experienced being bullied or maybe they were even the bully. That child who gets bullied will have a scar for the rest of their life. Not a scar anyone can see but a scar in their heart. Because being bullied is really sad.

It is essential to realise that the bullies are getting away much too easy and they are not getting what they deserve. Most bullies don't realise how hard it is to be bullied because they have never been bullied themselves. I think that all bullies should have to do a public apology so that they feel embarrassed and they don't only do that but they also have to ring up their parents to tell their parents what they did. Something else that teachers do is make that student miss a break. I also think that is a reasonable thing to do.

Another thing with being bullied is sometimes that the child being bullied is scared to tell a teacher because they think the bullie will get them back. But the child should realise that if they don't tell a teacher the bullie will strike again, but if they tell the teacher then it is less likely that they will get bullied again. It isn't always that the child is scared to tell a teacher they might have also been threatened by the bully that they will get mentally or physically hurt if they tell.

That is why bullying should be dealt with more severely and harshly. Children are suffering.