
Monday, June 29, 2020

Black beauty visual theme

This my black beauty visual theme. It is from the book black beauty. I choose the stables because I think that he enjoyed his second home with John ( his groom ) and his kindly master. It was described in a way which made me think of this stables.

Black beauty quote

For our novel response. One of the tasks was to find a quote from the book that we were reading ( black beauty ) and illustrate it on google drawings. The quote I chose is very meaning full. I chose it because I thought that you will be judged on how you work.

Friday, June 26, 2020


This is a short story I wrote using a story starter
Imogen was sitting on her old leather couch snuggling her cheek into her two tortoiseshell cats Latte and Sundae. Tortoiseshell cats are usually really snobby, but not Imogen's cats. Latte and Sundae were so tame that a 1 year old could pull them down the hallway by their feet. Imogen was a cat lover and she was so surprised when she got told her aloof cat Latte was having kittens. Imogen was a girl who was always thinking in the future so she had named Lattes future kittens Amber and Milo. The kittens were due to arrive in less than 4 days so Imogen was getting restless. Dr Tomas had told Imogen that there were to be two kittens, he only said that so she was kept busy for the next few days making up names for the future kittens. Imogen snuggled closer to latte and Sundae whilst she watched the TV. She switched through the channels until she found her favorite, but for some reason her favorite show had been replaced by the news. She kept searching the channels but the show she loved was no where. Imogen finally gave up and started to watch the news. On the TV, the producers were saying how a mysterious plane had flown down onto the most popular airport in the city. The plane drivers looked like they were about 100 years old and they seemed as though they were lost. Whilst Imogen was fixed to the TV There was a sudden knock on the door. Imogens mum Tisha opened the door. A man stepped in, he was wearing a black leather coat. The coat was the mirror image of the man from the TVs, the man who stepped out of the plane. The man spoke up. His croaky voice echoed around the house sending Sundae and Latte flying out of the room like there was a dog chasing them. “ I am your grandfather”he said this with a struggle. “ ahhh no that isn't possible because my father died in a plane crash 3 years ago” Tisha said whilst trying to avoid Imogen's hard gaze that was beaming right through her. Right now all that was on Imogen's mind was that’s my granddad and a little about her band's latest performance. Imogen's band was called two times cool/ another cool summer they couldn't decide the name but they were going for Another Summer. But that is a completely different topic. The man introduced himself as Alec Dixon. Tisha and Alec ( pronounced Al-eyk) were arguing for a while trying to declare that he was or was not related to them but Alec won. Imogen knew it would turn out like that because her Mum was terrible at arguing. Sundae and Latte ran back into the room and jumped into Alec's arms and started licking him. “ See Mum even the cats think we are related” stated Imogen in a sassy tone. A few weeks later with Alec by her side Imogen went to pick up Milo and Amber her two new cats, or should I say kittens. But there was one more kitten riding along with them, that furry friend was a kitten called Copper who had been hiding away in Latte's tummy without anyone knowing. Things were peaceful in Imogen's house… that's what she liked most.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

My marble jar

For mindful movers we were talking about things that make us happy and these are mine.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


For fitness today I decided to do netball. First we grabbed bibs to wear and to tell what positions we were. I got the center bib. When we got to the court we did loads of warm ups like skipping, running, fast feet and more. First we played an invasion which is when you have to do 5 passes before you can take a goal. Then we played a game of netball and my team won. I played center for a bit then I swapped to GA ( goal attack ) It was really fun.


For maths this week we have been doing is dividing with fractions. Another thing we have been doing is something like this...
 3/10 of 30 is... 9

I found it easy to do it when there were smaller numbers. I could work on doing it with bigger numbers.

Black beauty

Today we had a group discussion about the book we have been reading which is Black beauty. We talked about understanding what we were reading. We said that to understand what we were reading we could reflect on what the characters could have done different. Another thing we could do is think about what the characters are thinking. Clara also mentioned horse abuse and how using rollkur, martingale and the bearing rein is bad.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

My 3 best poems


In literacy for the past few weeks we have been writing different types of poems. These are my three best poems from all of my 15 poems. The first poem is a tanka poem the second is an envelope and the third is a haiku.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Black beauty response.

Black beauty has been sold to various owners including a mean one and a very dear one called Jerry baker. Jerry was a very popular cab-man and he believed in not harming the horses he rode. After waiting in the cold one day he caught a bad bug and he and his family had to move to the countryside. So once again Black beauty ( or Jack as he was called by Jerry) had to be sold. At that time Jack/ black beauty was very old and was struggling to find his liberty again. When he was sold he was sold to a nasty and cruel man who cared for nothing but his money and his wealth. He was sold again after gruesome work to a man with a grandson named Willie. Willie was very pleased with black beauty even though he was old. He lived a long and great life. But he would die at his last home.

Friday, June 19, 2020


Jacinda and all the others are heroes because they helped us by preventing the spread of Covid 19. Tohunga is the same as all of the covid heroes because he saved the town from many deaths and an earthquake which demolished the town. If Tohunga had not been there then people would have died. Many people would have died along with the town. And it was all because he spoke up when danger was near.

Today an old man walked past me as we were playing old man rorirori which was sort of like a game of tag. The man had loads of wrinkles, Dad always told me the more wrinkles you have the wiser you are. So by cricket that man must have heaps of brains. Dad told us off and made me and my cousins sit on chairs until he came out of the shop. But when he came out of the shop dad did a hongi with him and gave him some of our fruit. On the way home dad was talking to us about all this boring stuff.

Today that same man walked up onto the stage and gave an uninvited speech about why we should get out of the town and flee to hills or loads of us will die. The principal finally got him off the stage and when the band started to play the man came up to me and he told me to tell all of the school that we needed to evacuate. I tried to say no. Cos I get really scared but he told me to dig deep and find courage. And I did. Because of my courage the whole town was safe from an earthquake and a tsunami.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Comparing fractions

Today I did a comparing fractions worksheet there were 50 questions but we only had to do 30 of them today. I got all of them right even though they were hard. This is how you compare fractions with and without unlike denominators.

1. If denominators are unlike make denominators the same by timesing them together.
2. then times the numerators with the same number you did with the denominator
3. then compare them!!!
I found some of the questions a bit hard but I still managed.

Thursday, June 11, 2020


This term for tech I am doing electronics and mechatronics. For electronics I am making a light that only lights up at night. For mechatronics we are making a mini mini putt hole, a robot putter and doing some 3d printing. Right now I am completing the circuit board for my light and making the mini mi ni putt hole.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

William pike challenge.

For the William Pike challenge there are three things you have to do they are... 20 hours of community service, 20 hours of passion project and outdoor ed. For the community service I am making dogs toys this is how we will make them.

First you need to cut up a t shirt into long strips. You need to get three pieces of fabric/ old clothes ( not sports clothes with holes ) and tie a knot at the end which can hold for a period of time. Then you plait the three strings together until there is a decent length at the end. Then tie another knot. Repeat until you are happy with the amount of them.

Kenning poem

This week we have been learning how to write different types of poems. One of the poems I have liked was the kenning poem. A kenning poem is a poem when you use compact words to describe something. I have described the surfboard I got for my birthday.

Freedom- maker
Wave- rider
My surfboard

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Free verse poem

This week in literacy we have been looking at writing poems today I wrote a free verse poems which has no rule. You just write whatever you want to do.

The thunder claps and the storm rages
No one dares to venture out
Deadly fast and ferocious
out of the mist arises the sun
So bright that it stops the storm
People venture outside into the glorious sun

Monday, June 8, 2020

Black Beauty response

This is my response for the book black beauty I have been reading.
Black beauty has saved his master from falling into a river because he stopped when there was a big hole in the bridge they were going to cross. He has also experienced a horse being whipped harshly by a young boy. He also experienced a fire where he nearly died. I think that Black Beauty would be really scared when he went through all those experiences.

Bio Poem

At literacy today we have been writing bio poems mine is about my friend Caitlyn
Caring, smart, kind, friendly
Daughter of Jo and Phil
She loves cheetahs, maths and burgers
Joy, laughter, mindfulness
Drowning, spiders, arachnophobia
She has won a couple of medals.
Who hopes to go around the world
Christchurch new Zealand

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Book reveiw

This is my book review for Black beauty

Black Beauty has moved to Birtwick farm after a series of events at his original home with his caring owner and plenty of liberty. At Birtwick farm he meets Merry legs Flora and Miss Jessie's darling and the short tempered Ginger who has a story to tell. I predict that Black beauty will be sold to multiple homes and have a long life. I think that Black beauty enjoyed his first home very much.