
Friday, October 30, 2020

Why manners are benefited in the world

Why should students in schools be taught to use manners? Well first off, manners increase the rate of someone getting a job, because imagine going up and applying  for a job, using swear words and not thanking after you receive something then that is just going to lower the rate for you getting the job. Manners also help children becoming friends and creating strong and lasting friendships. Society would be a mess without manners, there would be people with free - for - all behaviors with more authoritative people messing around with the lower people. It would down the rate of people who care for others. Here's a tip, if you are nice at your home, then the attitude from your house will usually be carried to your school or workplace and the nice behaviors will begin to set at the place you work at. If you do this then you will also start being a role model for others around you. One saying goes - treat others how you want to be treated. If you follow that saying and treat others kindly then you will get those kind words and actions back, it will make everyone happy.

Imagine this, a world full of nasty people with a mind full of nasty things to blurt out at you. Did you know, that a research shows that if your child has rude things said to them then they carry those things onto other person, to get out he anger from them. Another research shows, that if you are driving with bad thoughts then it increases the rate of a car crash by 7 percent. It would be sad to see people die from having bad thoughts in their head, wouldn't it? Did you know, that having a good conversation that lasts for at least five minutes helps good things flow into your mind and change a red brain to a green brain. Also, showing proper etiquette and manners benefits your confidence quite a lot. 

One of the most common use of manners is the use of good hygiene. Some people wouldn't call this manners. But truly, it is. If you go bathroom, wash your hands, if you sneeze into your hands wash them. It is that simple. Their are other levels of hygiene, for instance, wear clothes that aren't old and holey, this shows signs of respect to others. Even making sure you don't have bad breath is using your manners. It makes you more pleasant to be around.

Here are 3 general tips to keeping the world a more pleasant place.

1. Don't talk while others are talking - If you talk over others it shows that you don;t care for what they say, even if you really don't care, show your respect by looking at them and not talking to the person beside you. In some cases it is alright to do this, for example - you are having a conversation with someone, and the person beside you is also having a conversation with another person that doesn't involve you. But make sure you keep your voice down. 

2. Realize your mistakes - If you accidentally hurt someone mentally or physically, don't just walk away, make sure you check that they are OK. If you do it on purpose, you need to think for a moment and out yourself in the victims shoes. How would you feel if you do it, Once you have had a think then go and apologize. Never walk away from mistakes. Own up to them. 

3. Keep negative opinions to yourself - If you have any negative thoughts or things to say about someone, keep them to yourself, because in many cases it hurts the person to know what you have to say. Think before you speak or will have to face up to the consequence. No one will want you to say bad things about them. Don't even say them to someone else behind the victims back. You could write them in a book and keep the thoughts and opinions to yourself. 

Try and see the funny side of things when they go wrong, it helps everyone realize that things do go wrong sometimes and people do make mistakes. Manners con make you into a better person, and the world into a better place, so try them for yourself. See if it helps your well being.

I hope this advice helps you!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Cryptic crosswords

 This week we have been learning how to solve cryptic crosswords. We mainly worked on hidden words that you have to find the answer hidden in a sentence. Can you find the answers.

Niue info

For Niuean language week we learnt about the general information of Niue. This is the info that I collected. I hope you learn something. 

Population - 1,624 thousand people live on the island of Niue
Highest point of Niue - 65 meters above sea level
Languages - Niuean and English
National animal - Niue blue ( butterfly )
National foods - nane ( porridge ) ika mata ( raw fish in coconut cream )
Area - 261.5 KM 2
Religion - most people belong to Ekalesia Niue, other religions available too
Prime Minister - Dalton Tagelagi
Capital city - Alofi
Continent - Oceania
Time - 24 hours behind of New Zealand
Date of Independence - 19 October 1974 ( called Constitution Day )
Fly time from Auckland to Niue -3 hours 15 mins


 This week for maths we are starting to learn about geometry. At the start of the lesson we got taught about degrees and north, south, east and west. Then we split of into groups. The group I was in looked at shapes and decided how many sides, corners and verticals the shapes had. At the start I have to take a while to figure out what I had to do, but then I got into the flow of it and started to understand a little bit more. My next goals for geometry are to know all the basics and some things that are more advanced.

It is wrong to fight

This week for literacy we had to do a writing sample to show our level of writing. The topic is...

It is wrong to fight. I hope that you enjoy reading this.

When most people think about fighting they think about physical fighting, but sometimes verbal messages are more hurtful. It is alright to fight back verbally but you have to think before you act because when you are in a red brain ( angry brain ) then you don’t do so. But it is definitely wrong to start up a fight because even if someone fights back, you will have caused a problem. So I agree with this topic, it is completely wrong to fight. 

Some people think that people who start up and finish fights are heartless, but are they?

Of course they aren’t. Most of their fights are usually caused by family affairs, they most likely want to take out their anger on someone else that is innocent because they think it will make themselves better people. But it won’t, will it. This just makes fighting more horrible than it actually is. Studies show that kids will copy their parents behaviors, sometimes that child is pressured into doing something. This is completely wrong.  

Counter arguments:

Sometimes physical fighting is alright, but you need to know when it is alright. Fighting is ok when you are using it to defend yourself from harm.  You could also fight someone in a dojo for karate or other things, why, because this is a sport where trained coaches are around you and can help you. If you ever do get into a fight it is still better to be silent and walk away.  Sometimes if you have a good place to do it, you can fight to let aggression and emotions out of your mind.

Research shows that males are more commonly in physical fights then women in verbal fights. 30%  of male actually report being in fights physically or verbally and 70% of women report being in a physical or verbal fight. This shows that women are better at owning up to their mistakes and going with the punishments than men are. In other words this means that, if you have not been the one to start up a fight, but to go back at the person, you are still doing wrong, but owning up and facing the consequences. This also means that women aren’t starting up the majority of the fights. 

I think that fighting has decreased since 1997, why? Because there are a whole lot less gangs, which means that we are taking action and stopping the fights. I think that as a whole, fighting is bad, verbal or physical. So no more fighting. It is completely wrong. Weather you start the fight or add on to the fight, either way it is still wrong. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Analysis of script

In class we have been looking at how authors and directors tell a story about a character, they not only use words but they also use stereo - type costumes. Some of the ways they help us to know the character is by using actions, speech, environment, costume and the general appearance of the character. 

We looked at some of the scenes from harry potter and the philosophers stone, We also read some of the extracts from the book to get a hold of the more exquisite details. We looked at things like costume stereo -typing, like Professor Dumbledore's wizard cloak and hat. We did this to make sure we could tell that all the things that the director do are deliberate. 

In the scene below, Kirsten Clara and I have been working on all of the aspects and small details that define a character. I have asked Sophie to go through the script and give me feedback on the work we have done. She also highlighted the main aspects all in a different color.                                                                          Actions - red, appearance - yellow, Environment - green and speech - blue. 

I think I have done a good job of creating my character using Actions. I like using actions because it adds a little bit more description, but I think that I need to add more details about the environment. I cold also add some more about the main characters ( Kate ) Appearance and their personality. I hope you enjoy reading this and please comment your feedback.

A cramp starts to prickle up my arm and I shake it, trying to get rid of the pain. The noise of students chattering is a noisy blur as I return to my essay. A tall girl with dark brown curls cascading down her back kicked my foot and I wince, rubbing my toe. “Hahaha” the girl sniggered, smirking down at me, “Look at Katie-pie, the loner” 

I glance at her quickly then train my gase back to the ground. 

Her friend rolls her eyes, “Come on Mia, she’s not worth our time”. With a last seething glance Mia stalks away with her friend in tow and I lose them in the crowd in seconds, though just before the door at the end of the corridor closes, I can just here the yell of “Lovey, lonely loner” 

I bit my lip and tried to ignore the burn in my eyes. I glance back down at papers in my hand and the title in big writing, ‘Hemiptera in the Rainforest’. 

“ They're, hemiptera, 7.6 million per square meter” I gobble midlessley, getting a few weird glances from the last of the students leaving but I'm used to it by now. I glance up when a pair of green and brown spotty shoes stop in front of me. “Himph, here we go” I mutter under my breath and pretend to not notice her standing there. 

“Kate, Kate” Miss Darins says softly but I keep my eyes down and continue scribbling on the paper. “Kate, love are you alright?”

“Mmm yep, fine” I say, not really paying attention. 

She bends down so she is crouched beside me and I get hit by a wave of perfume. “Where are all your friends”

I frown and glance away, watching the last few stranglers as they push through the double doors.  “Don’t have any” 

“Oh darling” The teacher breaths right in my face and I push back against the wall, skewing my face up slightly. “I can find you some”

Oh because teachers were for finding people friends. I clench my hands to force myself not to roll my eyes. 

“My books are all the matters to me” I say, my mind wandering. “Anyway I should keep studying” 

A look of maybe hurt or confusion flashed across her face but she quickly re Reuters to her normal expression. “Right and I have to get to a meeting” She stands up and flattens her already flat skirt. “Bye Kate” She says in a clipped voice then hurriedly walks down the hall, disappearing into one of the class rooms.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Tan grams

 Today for maths we learnt about geometry. After we had learnt about the basics e.g. vertically opposite lines equal the same degrees. Then we went on a site that you have to make tan grams on. We also had to make sure that we flipped, rotated and slid the shapes. There were a certain amount shapes and you had to fit them into an outline with no spares. It was really fun and I made quite a few. These are the shapes I made.

I got a wolf, a horse and a swan.

This is a wolf

This is a horse
This is a swan

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Sailing at lake Rua

 Yesterday at 9 O clock the year sevens from tangaroa went onto either the bus or the van and traveled to lake Rua. Lake Rua is close to the airport, and around it, are multiple building sites. When we got there we stopped to have a little bit of a snack to energize us before learning how to rig up an optimist sail boat. Sadly, we didn't see the male paradise duck, his wife died a few days ago, he still has a few wee chicks. First we got out all of the boats in groups of six, working together it made the boat feel light, but truly, it was actually quite heavy. Then we got into two groups of people and we learnt how to rig up the boat and the names of all the pieces. We got told to watch the TV while we were sailing, meaning that we had to look where we need to go. I liked doing the blood knot because it was quite simple. I got to put a boat together with a group of three, the group of three I was in contained Poppy, Ava and I. 

First we had to sail out to a buoy and back with a instructor next to you in a motor boat, while I was going out to the buoy, the wind stopped and I had to be pulled by the motor boat. It made me go really fast. Then we brought out a few more boats and ewe went free for all. I liked helping people bring their boats in because you got to pull up the rudder and direct the boat so it would spin around. Then we got to have lunch, I had a big feast and was extremely happy when Mr Redmond handed out fruit cups, 1 square meals and loads of nuts. Then we got to practice capsizing which was so fun because once the boat had tipped over then we had to hold onto the center board that balances the boat and lean backward to make the boat go right way up. At the end of the day we got to go for a swim, the eater was fresh but it was also nice. Then we had to go. The day was really fun and I would like to go again.  

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Cellphones At school???

No, I don't think that students should be allowed to have cellphones at school. Why???? Because they will distract the student from their work, when a text comes in, all they will want to do is check it. It will not only put them off task but it will also cause the other students around them to become distracted and off task. I think that students should be allowed phones only before school and after school. If any emergency occurs then they can check the message after school or the person sending the text can be notified that they need to send the text to the office. Another reason is that they will want to play games throughout class time. Which again, will not only distract them but the students around them. It would also encourage disobedience because when someone is in a cell phone, it is hard to get them to turn it off. Usually the only answer for disobedience is for them to have it confiscated for a period of time. Another reason is because the students might complain about their phone being broken or someone has stolen it. They would keep moaning about it until it would turn up again. This is a sign that they are attached to the phone and they want it back. They would also not want to do work because it would be in their pocket or tote tray and they would keep going back for it. So they would be showing more signs of disobedience. So I am definitely against this. NO PHONES AT SCHOOL.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Healing garden science

Sophie and I chose herbal health because we were interested in plants that can heal your body from simply eating them or making them into teas. This topic drew me in because I wanted to be able to name plants that can heal you, all of them in different ways. Before I started this science project I only knew about a few plants that could heal the body for example Aloe Vera which heals cuts and scrapes and lemon mint which helps you go to sleep and it soothes headaches. After doing the project I have learnt a lot of valuable information. Like, what plants like sun and what plants don’t, what plants heal wounds and what plants heal mental problems. I also learnt what plants like what amount of sun. We put the Aloe Vera under a shade sail because it doesn't like the sun.