
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Brainstorm story

In Literacy we wrote a brainstorm for our partner. The partner then had to write a story with all the information that you gave them. This is the story I wrote with the information that Poppy gave me. I really like this story topic so I might add on to this story.

The bars noise is creeping into my brain, I shoot it out, but with the many attempts, it doesn’t happen. I like the feeling of my penknife cold metal pressing against my leg.The flow of people coming in and out of the bar is intense. A man's arm is pressing against my back, I squirm under the awkward pressure. I scan the room, looking for this Richards man. 12 o'clock, the document that Mr Davies gave me said twelve o'clock, Daniel Richards and three of his henchman were coming then. I snap out of my thought as a man sidles up to me, Doing a double take, I nearly throw up. Richards, sitting next to me.

“ Hello lovely, what brings you here at such hours” He says, his voice straining to keep away the harshness of his true killing machine voice away. You I think, but my answer is different.

“ No reason, why” I say sweetly.

“ Just wondering, so, you a local”

“ Nah, I’m just visiting before I have to go for my graduation, whadda bout you”

“ Nothing much, I’m just here for some business”

“ what business”

“ If I told you i would have to kill you” nothing new for you then is it, i try to not say these words. I kind of feel bad for the man, Me, acting all sweet, but really he is my victim.

“ whats your name” he asks me, Think think think. I can’t tell him my real name, who knows what types of sources he has.

“ My name, uh, its um, Emily, Emily Tate” My voice quivers

“ I’m called Danny Rivers” Wow, I think, what a great undercover name.

“ So where are you staying” he asks

don’t want to answer, but his eyes are piercing through my skin, what if I’m his next victim, what if he wants me in the graves, does he do this do everyone he kills, or am i the first one.

“I’m staying at the hotel a couple streets away , you know the one” I hope it is not to obvious, two streets away are where al the hotels are.

“ well, I had better go back to the hotel now, don’t want them to shut me out” I say

“ Do you want me to walk you back to your hotel?” He enquires

“ No thank you, I don’t want to pull you away from your drink” I feel relieved when he turns his back to me, I pick up my satchels, wave a goodbye to him, and start my walk home.

I can’t trust that he isn’t following and my gut instinct takes over me and I peer back, to see a shadow jump into the bushes. I backtrack and peer into the bushes. Daniel Richards pops his head out.

“ Hello danny Rivers” I snarl “ or is it Daniel Richards”

“ Emily, surprise surprise” He glares at me “ or is it Shiloh Winters”

“ SO you knew my real name, but I would prefer if you used the name Emily, It is an insult to hear a killer like you say my name” I shoot my words out to him. I whack my leg out to him, I hit him right in the middle of his guts. He cries out in pain. I grab his hands and cuff him to me.

“ Officer Shiloh, you have done a better job then I expected. You have outdoen yourself, really”

Says my Boss.

“ Thank you, it was nothing.

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