
Friday, December 7, 2018

Dream trip

This is my all around the world dream trip.For the trip we had 60,000 km to use we had to star in Christchurch and end in Christchurch.

Click on this link to view my tour

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


True or False Snakrose Sighting

This is the trophy for if you can capture the Snakrose and give it to the SPCA.

Late last night at 10pm there was claimed to be a sighting of a large blue,green and purple animal taking the name of a Snakorse.It had the form of a snake mixed with a horse.The witness (John)said that the long lost animal had 2 legs and a snake’s tail.On the video footage John had taken that night the creature made a high pitch screeching noise.The sighting was on January the seventeenth 1899.The snakrose is truly terrifying exclaimed John.Before he could get close enough to egzamin the animal it ran away really fast.On the news there have been various sightings of the Snakrose but none of them have ever been as real as this sighting.Even though this animal is scary is has an unusual fear of raspberries.Rumor has it that whenever this animal goes somewhere it coils its tail around its body and disappears.It all happens so fast that no one actually knows the exact truth.Everybody now wants to find this animal and get the reward from SPCA for finding the animal.The reward is 165,000,000 dollars in cash.But before the pet control could get there the Snakrose had gone.It is like it was all a dream.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Music to my ears

 Cheek out this I used the simple Screencastify. This  video will show you the music I did on Chrome Music Lab and it will show that i can do screencastify.

Thank you for watching this video .The part I found hard was trying to get the sound to work.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Stress balls

We have been learning to make instructions for how to make a stress ballHow to make a stress ball
You will need:
A balloon.
A vivid (optional).
A spoon
A funnel.
What to do:
1.Grab the balloon and funnel .
2.Put the balloon at the end of the funnel.
3.Take the flour and put one spoon of flour down the funnel.
4. Tie up a knot at the top of the balloon.
5. Draw a picture on the balloon using the vivid ( this is optional).

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

This term we have been writing and learning how to make instructions. These  instructions are for an alien called Archie
 How to make a sandwich
      You will need:
  • Two pieces of bread
  • Butter/margarine
  • Cheese
  • Ham
  • Lettuce
  • Plate
  • A knife
    What to do:
1.Get  the two pieces of bread and put them on the plate.
2.Grab the knife and spread the butter on one piece of bread using the knife.
3.cut 2 pieces of cheese using the knife again .
4. Place the pieces of cheese on the bread.
5.Take a piece or two of lettuce and put it on the bread.
6.Take one piece of ham and place it on the bread.
7.Put the second piece of bread on the stack.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Friday, September 21, 2018

Pinhead saved the day We have been learning to write six sentence story changing it to a paragraph a good way.Once upon a time there was a very big 30 metre robot his name was Pinhead. His birthday was April 30th .You could only see his brightly colored arma that shone in the night sky.
Pinhead lived in france that big city yes.Still only a few people saw him and if they did he it would be too bright to actually look at him. The actual place he lived in was paris it smelt like dust all dust.
When Pinhead was happy he would TRY to help people but it never worked. Because they would just run away screaming . When Pinhead was mad he wouldn't show it to do that he sat down in a corner and read a book that he hated.Pinhead only had one problem when he tried to help people they just screamed and the situation got worse. Once there was a fire but the fire killed seven people if the firemen had let Pinhead help it would never had happened.He felt that way because they never respected him and he just didn't like it . It didn't feel right if he helped people and they screamed at him .
One day Pinhead heard loud noises from the town hall pinhead rushed there. In the town hall a person was being strangled by a snake pinhead rested the snake off the person from the pinhead was respected.

Friday, September 14, 2018

The miniature goblin cabin .
The goblin like creature would come stay in here every night to rest their head .
Cobblestone rocks are making the pathway look very original and steady so .you don't slip. Old pot plants gave the mini house a nice old look .A lite blue door gave the house little touches of brightness .On the top of the little house was a field covered in grass it was very sweet .The semicircle windows gave the creatures a bit of lovely light .Pearly white clouds make the place like a fairy tale. Massive trees towered the miniature pathway. A scent of freedom is basically all you can smell even though it is the only thing it is very pleasant .Up in the air is the burning hot sun that could burn a hole through 1000 pieces of metal. The lucky little goblin that Lives in here is called Blossom .bushes are bulging overs so much By Isla

Friday, September 7, 2018


The story of an avatar
This is Emma she is 12
She has eyes the color of grass that has been rained on.beautiful lavender purple hair smells like fresh flowers it has two loose strand .
She always wears 2 buns with 2 scrunchies in it.
Her dog smudge is so cute, restless and playful .Her mouth is as red as roses.The pearly white teeth that shimmer in her mouth are really pretty.There is a furry vest just resting on her shoulders

Emma is a great dancer, her moves are like it is the best day of her life. For her it is always a good day even when she knows something sad is going to happen.She is a bubbly sort of person.Her dog Smudge is always cared for because Emma is also very kind hearted. She works as a dance teacher as well as doing dance classes. Emma has a little sister and a little brother .
One day Emma's parents announced that she would be going to france. Emma was so happy she even ran around to her friends house. When she left her Mum said they were going to stay in france for 3 weeks that made her even more bubbly. Then she remembered that her friend Izzy lived in france and they were staying with her . As the plane landed Emma saw Izzy.For tea they ate a baguette and a opera cake for dessert. Emma went shopping the next day and brought a whole bunch of clothes.That is the story she told me.

Friday, August 31, 2018

My loving Mum Her eyes glisten in the shining sun.Her chocolaty brown hair flows in the crisp air.Her rosy red cheeks glow like the stars in the night sky. When Mum smiles her perfect smile the world is always a better place.She looks beautiful in her creamy white wedding dress. Mums strides are swift and fast like she is almost a jaguar. She is always kind ,caring,loving and nice to everyone around her. Her voice is so loving. When she bikes she is as fast as a cheetah running a race.As she moves the whole world stops to look.When she talks i feel safer than being with anyone else in the world. Mum is supportive to everyone she knows. Mum encourages me to keep on going when i am stuck.When mum helps people she lightens up grey days.When she comments the world shines brighter and brighter. I love the way she loves being around disabled children and helping them. I have never seen mum without her beautiful silver earrings. Her hair is usually tied up in a very neat ponytail. She usually has a very dull black hair tie.She always wears her engagement ring and her wedding ring. I ❤ MUM

Thursday, August 9, 2018

the destiny horse

The destiny horse

‘I can't wait for the ribbon day’ shouted Lilly over the loud thunder.They were shopping at the mall for new riding clothes for the ribbon day ‘oh ‘exclaimed Hazel Lilly’s 8 year old sister Lilly was 3 years older than her what Hazel had seen was a full riding costume all pink and red ‘mum MUM you have to get that it will suit me and sugar so much’ okay but that is it ‘ replied her mum. Flora there 5 year old sister had just gotten a light blue and navy blue costume that would suit her and her horse midnight.Hazel had chosen a blue and purple costume she hadn’t chosen it because it would suit her horse she just liked it well she had just grown out of her own horse Cardiff. As they drove of Lilly had imagined winning but at the moment she couldn't even go mum had promised her she could do it. A week had passed every day at school she was determined she saw a horse that was the prettiest mix of brown,grey and black.That weekend the sisters went to the mountain no she wasn't dreaming the was real the horse slowly walked up to her’ Flora hurry up go get mum and tell her that i have found the most amazing wild horse ever ‘ . Awhile later mum came running up to Lily and Hazel she had a halter tucked under her arm.The next weekend Lilly was so pleased she could actually do ribbon day. It was the final day of taming the wild horse she could get the horse to do anything Lilly just realized  she had not named the horse she got thinking an hour later Lilly thought of a name and that name was DESTINY . The day had come so fast it was now the ribbon day she was hoping to win lots of ribbons like the previous month. Hazel was the first to get changed into her riding clothes followed by Flora and you can guess who was next she was tired from getting 17 classes placed

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Saturday, April 28, 2018


Haere Mai, Talofa Lava, Mālō e Lelei , Maligayang Pagdating and welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.