
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Climate change

Climate change

Climate change is really bad for the world and if we don't stop, the world might only last a very short time. Which is why you need to step in and do your thing to help the world. Even though what you do might be very small you should still try . The world isn't going to get healthy again if only one person helps.

If everyone in the world stopped smoking then not only would it help climate change but it would also help stop 2.8 million deaths per year. Smoke doesn't only affect your lungs it also affects the air around you.

Plastic pollution is one of the main types of pollution the world deals with. The great pacific garbage patch lies under the sea taking up almost 1.6 million square kilometers of our ocean and almost 80% of the ocean is polluted with plastic.

Another biggie is driving cars around all the time. Cars let out dangerous fumes that help create the big outer layer of greenhouse gasses and now they are not good for the planet they are very bad for it.

Some changes we should make when the world returns to normal are that people should try to avoid driving everywhere and people should stop buying things that are wrapped in plastic. Also people should avoid smoking. Although those things are hard to do you should do it if you want many more generations to live on this planet.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

croque monsieurs

Croque Monsieurs by Isla 
Baguette (french stick)                                     
Croque Monsieur au thermomix - Recette Thermomix Facile
Any other fillings                                         
1.Turn the oven to 180 bake.
2. Cut the baguette into quarters then cut open the quarters.
3.Put the relish into the bun then add the ham, cheese and any fillings of your choice.
4.Wrap the filled baguettes in tin foil
5.Put the baguettes in the oven and take them out when they are golden and crunchy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Pobble stories

This week I have been going onto an app called pobble. Each day pobble has a picture and a story starter and with those you have to write a story. These are my storys.


She knew that it hadn’t been a good idea to leave the tap running, but now she was starting to enjoy herself just lying back and relaxing letting the hot water soak over her grubby body. Soon she was asleep and the tap was still running the water had only just started to seep through the crack under the bathroom door. The water was now creating a tiny waterfall leading all the way to the kitchen. Alissa's Mum was down in the kitchen and was now beginning to get worried about her daughter. Alissa had now floated out the bathroom window sitting in the bath and she just kept floating in the bath until she had reached the sea. Turtles and dolphins swam around her in confusion. She soon woke up back in her bath thinking about her dream. She climbed out to a cup of hot steaming Cocoa.


When the Jefferson family were out, their house came alive with activity.
Every morning, when Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson headed off to work, and their two children ran along to the bus stop to catch their ride to school, the signal for ‘all clear’ would sound, and out of the woodwork the little people came, first they would all crowd around the bath filling it with cold water. The swimming instructor put out lane ropes asking all the children to climb in. Eddie went first then Macy, Luno, Talia, Jade  and finally little Agnis rose  she was the scaredy cat of the group she jumped at the sight of the water going down the drain and squealed when a friendly spider offered her a ride. But today she decided that she would have a feel for bravery. She jumped into the pool splashing the others because she was quite chubby. By the end of the day people were crowding around her pressing her and offering her cakes. But the woodwork people soon forgot the Jeffersons. When the Jeffersons got home they saw the woodwork people moving and they screamed out of the house. They were never seen again.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Lemon Grass skewers and pineapple salad

Flying high

I wrote this story with the writing prompt from Pobbel 36

She pulled down on the chain with her left hand, steering herself towards her target. It was supposed to be the most exciting birthday present ever; a hot air balloon ride. However, Alice had been hanging on for dear life for over 100KM (since the basket of the hot air balloon had fallen off). She was now getting used to steering the huge balloon by maneuvering her body, leaning to the left or to the right.

Terrified yet excited at the same time, Alice could just about make out her house and garden far below. It was the one surrounded by trees straight ahead, wasn’t it?

She took a deep breath and focused. Her house was so close if she just got enough power to… SNAP one of the chains that used to be in her hand had just broken and the seat was leaning a lot to one side almost pushing Alice of the seat that was hanging a mile away from the ground. If Alice fell she would be falling to her death and she new it. Her heart pounded in tune to the swaying wind that gently rocked the chair. Alice looked down and she could see her house and a tiny circle tramp she had to land on the tramp she just had to. It was time she swung the chair back in forth to get enough movement to land on the tramp. She let go her arms flew around trying to stop her moving to far forward. The ground was coming 10 meters 9 8 7 crash she woke up siting on the floor of her room. She was puzzled wasn't she just flying in the sky about to land on the ground and meet here certain doom.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Close my eyes

During this weird lock down I have written a story using a story starter I still have lots more to write but I have no inspiration on what to carry the story on with.

Close My eyes
Megan Jones and I walked up to the platform of the departing train, rushing to a guard shoving passports in his hand collecting them back in a hurry then rushing onto the train. We found our seats then sat down in a blur. I grabbed out my book and started reading only for a second though because Megan started chatting about how lucky we were not to miss the train and how the country would be awesome.” Oh Amber there are pretty black horses in the meadow and they match your hair beautifly”. I loathe my long straight black hair that ends at my shoulder and my boring brown eyes. Lucky Megan has gorgeous blonde hair that slightly curls its way down to her hips with sparkling blue eyes as clear as the sky. I actually can't believe that I am here on this train going into the country to live with Megan’s Aunt for a month. Mum is so overactive about my safety. The Mighty Lord pulled up at the second station of the trip collecting up a few more people, soon to depart with no more stops. The waiter came around the train every half hour giving us young ones cookies and a drink while the oldies got some weird thing that smelt gross. Apparently it was delicious according to the elderly. My heart leapt as my head thudding against the condensated window for the one hundredth time. Megan was looking at the places in Fosston. It looked like every other town according to me and a hidden gem according to Megan. All there was, was a pool and some shops on the map but it still looked huge with about fifty farms all neatly spread around. Megan pointed to the largest house that was closest to the lake and said” This is aunt Latisha house. Her house was two stories and had a farm house next to it. Soon Megan had gotten bored of talking about Aunt Latisha’s place and had dozed off. I wanted to walk around the train but was afraid that Megan would wake up when I was climbing around her from the window seat and be annoyed that I left her and I wouldn't be able to climb over her. So I sat on my seat in boredom. Finally Megan had woken up which was lucky formy hand was numb from her lying on it. UGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH. Then the train stopped and the captain, well whatever they call them on a train said in a voice that sounded to happy “ this is your motorman speaking ( so that's what they call them) we have had a few issues with the trains engine and we will be stopping on this current piece of track for around 3 hours, we are very sorry for the delay”. The current piece of track is just sitting over a river on the most creakingly old bridge. I AM GOING TO DIE I tell Megan but all she says is “ no your not amber” when she's still half asleep that sounds more like “ nogh yos nos Ambes”.” Oh yes I am” I moan just loud enough for Megan to hear. Back home my little brat of a sister Dawn Chelsea Hill, I know her names a bit of an overreaction. Megan and I have lovely names, Megan’s is Megan Lily Jones and I'm Amber Rose Hill. It was obvious that Dawn would get the full on name, she's the wonder of the family and i'm the piece of scrap paper. Anyway, Dawn will try to say things to make me get in trouble like she always does. She'll be watching tv or in the spa right now with Mum doing what she wants cause Mum will do as Dawn places so her daughter loves her ( I actually think that's mean of Dawny Darling cause she's never gonna love Mum ). Soon enough we were moving again. It had been way more than 3 hours. It took so long that I was having my tea right now or at least I wished I was. “ Megan” Megan looked up from her Iphone. I'm really jealous of her Phone I don't have a phone yet although I have begged for around 10 years. She looked up from her Iphone. Ok I can't handle this. I am going to scream if I don't get a phone this year. And says “ what’ So I respond in the same tone of voice as her “ when will tea come Megsta “ dunno” “ can I play on your phone” I plead. “ You really need a phone you always use mine” “ You say that like it's a bad thing” I say in a whiny voice that she hates “ well go phone shopping at aunt Latisha's Place ok’.
The train stopped about an hour later and we still hadn't eaten. It felt like they had completely missed our carriage and went to the others. There were beautiful aromas in the other carriages that made me more and more hungry. Latisha was waiting outside in the rain. She was a spitting image of Megan or the other way around anyway the fact is they are both stunning and gorgeous unlike the person with black hair whose name rhymes with Clamber ( verb) ( the person is Amber ME if you weren't smart enough to figure that out) Any boy would walk towards Megan then Latisha and only people with tiny brains would go to ME. I miss my pets if you want to know their names here you go:
Azerris ( fairy name meaning fishie )
If you were wondering which you were, these aren't all mine but they live at my house/farm/mansion/place I live the ones that belong to me are :
The rest of the animals belong to the house keepers and Mum and the fish belong to Dawn ( she has nothing to do with the fish I am the only one who looks after them) So at home most of the time I am riding my darling Anglo Arab Calico or otherwise known as the daring grey one ( I am the only one who knows that ).

Ok back to business. So Latisha took us out for tea then we went to sleep. How exciting. I couldn't wait for the morning when me and Megan would go shopping for a phone. I really hope I have enough money for a decent phone. I have nightmares most nights about when my Dad died he was the only one I truly loved, This is a bit like cinderella where my loving dad dies and all I have left is my mother. All my night mares go like this. " Dad I'm home" No answers, I search around the house until I find him lying in the kitchen with blood running down the side of his chest. I start sobbing. I ring Mu she dosen't care that Dad will die my next thought is the ambulance. Then every thing goes black and my night mare comes back and the hospital and Dad says " I'm just going to close my eyes' Then I wake up sweating and crying. Most people think its babyish for me to have a nightmare. That morning Megan promised me that after we help milk the cows that we could go phone shopping .

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Dancing in the rain

I have done a dance challenge this lock down. The challenge was to recreate a dancing moment, mine
is Singing in the rain hope you like it 😊