
Monday, August 31, 2020

24 Hour clock

For maths today we looked at 24 hour clocks. 24 hour clocks are hard to muck up. But 12 hour clocks are really easy to muck up because... There is 6am and 6pm, 4am and 4pm. but on a 24 hour clock it would be more like this.
0600 ( 6am) 1800 ( 6pm), 0400 ( 4am) 1600 ( 4pm)
For PM when you want to find the time you have to  add 12 onto it...  E.G 5 + 12 = 1700
I liked doing this, and I can't wait for next time.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Visual prompt story

This week for literacy we have been writing stories based on a visual prompt. Th is the story and picture for today, my two goals are to have flowing paragraphs and sentences that have correct grammar. I think I have achieved these two goals by reading through my story and correcting all the grammar mistakes and making them all correct, and making sure that the sentences make sense.

The poppies that surround me are tangled up in the lethal barbed wire. Looking at the poppies, all I can think of is the poppies red blood that is pouring out of my chest and onto the bullet covered ground. I know that I was not the only one that has been injured by the enemies weapon. I can hear them grunting and groaning. I can’t save them. But I can save myself. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Area of a triangle

This google draw will show you how to find the area of a triangle:

Area of a circle

The last few weeks we have been learning about how to find the area of a circle. The questions have been using PI ( 3.142 ). The formula to find the area of a circle is...
π = 3.14
Area = π  x  r  x  r. For example the question could be find the area of a circle that has the radius of 5m.
This is a diagram showing how to work it out

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Short story

This week for literacy we have been writing stories based on a picture. This is my short story...

She tugs on the back of his plain shirt. “ Dad, Can we play with the kite” She whines.
“ Stop whining Elodie” He moans and continues to tap away at his computer. Elodie sighs, and turns away. wishing she had a friend. She prepares her hand to tap at her Dads back. But he notices and shoos her away. Again she turns away. Her heart is full of loneliness. “ But Dad it’s my birthday” The father moans and looks at his daughter in dismay. “ only this once OK El…” he doesn’t get to finish his sentence because Elodie is already calling his name from outside of the door. He stands up and begins to walk away from his work.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Circumference of a circle

Today for maths we had to find the circumference of a circle using PI ( 3.14 ) times the diameter.
We used our foot lengths to measure the diameter of the circle then we x Pi with the diameter. The circle we used was the big circle on the middle of the basketball court. It took me thirteen and a half footsteps to travel from one half of the circle to the other. After I had found the amount of footsteps I needed, Then I remembered that... It took 5 footsteps to travel a meter ( heel to toe). So I did.. 5 into 13.5 was 2 +R 2.5
Then when I x 13.5 with 3.14 equaled 42.39.
These are the photos of us doing it . . .

Snow leopard diagram


This is my diagram about a snow leopard. The lines point to what I am explaining about and in the box is the writing. We have been doing this for literacy and I chose a snow leopard because they are very cool animals and there is a lot I don't know about them that I wanted to know. 


Thursday, August 13, 2020

Maths and Volume

 Today for maths we did area and volume problems. One of the problems were...

V= Width x length x height

= 6m x 8m x 4m

= 192 M3

I like doing this sort of maths even though at times it is quite hard. I also learned that you have to times the length width and height together so you can find the volume.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Maths today

today in maths we learnt about are, circumference, perimeter and volume. It was hard at first. But then after a bit of explaining I got it under my belt easily. We also got taught the formula of circumference, perimeter and volume. My next goal is to be able to remember the formulas really easily.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Animals and the ocean glossary

This is a glossary about the ocean and the animals in it. We did this for literacy work.

Amphibian : Animals that can breathe in the water and out of the water
Crevice: A gap or hole between two rocks
Colonies: Groups of birds or fish that live together
Currents: Movement under the ocean
Dive: To plunge into the water head first
Ecosystem: The way animals live together
Gland: Part of the body that can produce chemicals
Gills: The part of the fishes body that can breathe
Life cycle : The order of the way an animal grows
Migrate: Moving from one part of the sea to the other
Native: Animals that live in 1 to 4 countries
Oceanography: To write scientifically about the ocean
Predator:An animal that eats other animals
Prey: An animal that is eaten by other animals
Reef: A series of corals or other underwater plants on rocks or the sea floor
Spout: Where a whale/ dolphin breathes out of
Species: A group of animals that are similar
School: A group of animals that live together
Surroundings: The are you see around you
Waterproof: Something that doesn’t get wet from water

Hector's Dolphin Ecosystem

Hector's Dolphin Ecosystem
We had science so we had to pick a native / endemic animal. Then we had to write about there ecosystem and put it into this format. I worked with Kirsten to create this.

Adrenalin Forest

Last week a group of us went to  Adrenalin Forest. I went on the levels 3b, 3, 5, 5a and 6. It was really fun. The trees were really fun and when you were up high the trees started to sway.  I loved doing 5a because there were 16 zip lines and about the same amount of ladders. The zip lines were really cool.
The challenges I overcome were : getting higher then I thought I could. I had to believe in myself  because it was quite hard.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Tech today

Today for tech I made a key chain that has an I on it. I had to sand blast it and drill a hole in it. That was for electronics. For mechatronics, in pairs we had to code a robot to roll over all the dots on a piece of wood then go back to the start. It might sound easy but it was really hard. I worked with Mailli. Next week we are going to be in different groups. The groups I will be in are Wood work and cooking.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Botanic gardens

On Monday me and a group of people from our class went to the botanic gardens. At the botanic gardens we got taught about animals and trees. The main thing that we looked at were the different groups... Native, Endemic, Introduced, extinct, endangered and thriving.
Native : In multiple countries
Endemic : only in one country
Introduced : bought into the country
Extinct : none are alive
Endangered : there are hardly any left / not doing well
Thriving: going well

We got to play lots of games including a game where you a got a picture of an animal pinned to your back and you had to ask yes and no questions to figure out what your animal was. I was a Moa.
Moa are extinct and endemic. The Maori ate them as food and they were wiped out by accident

William pike challenge percentages

This is the percentage of my William pike.  I have finished my passion project and I am a little bit over half way for community service. To finish of my EOTC ( education outside the classroom ) I am going on a skiing trip with school and I am also going to Adrenalin forest.


For maths today we focused on measurement. We had to count every second step that we did . I had 80 second steps in 100 meters. I also have 506 foot lengths in 100 meters.
These are some photos of 100 meters. Also of us counting our foot lengths.