
Friday, September 25, 2020

School ski trip

 On Tuesday the year 7/8's went on a ski trip. We had to be at school before 6:30. The bus ride was really long but when we got there I was really excited. There wasn't much snow and it was really windy but it was still lots of fun. I went on the top lifts with Poppy and Clara and Hamish. AT lunch we brought hot curly fries to warm us up. I wish I could go again. 

Domain opening

Yesterday, me and some of the selected students in our class went to the new under covered netball courts. AT the start when we arrived we got told that someone famous was going to be there, the people organizing the event made us and few of the others schools play all in tag. We were surprised when Jacinda Ardern got out of her car. I even got her autograph and Poto William's too. It was really fun.

Examining the texts Essay

Most authors and directors make all the actions, costume and sounds deliberate. They also use these elements to make sure the audience can make quick connections about the character and their personality. They make the movie and the characters more interesting as well.

Most characters' costumes are made to show the character's personality. The characters' costumes are also deliberate. Sometimes characters have stereo - type costumes for example - Professor Snape was wearing black so he is mean and evil, or, Ron was wearing old second - hand clothes so he is poor, the lady walking down the street is wearing pink, yellow and green so she is happy and nice. One thing that really caught my attention was that Hermione was wearing her school robes which made her look ready and prepared, but her hair was poofy and wild.

The objects in the scene describe where they are, sometimes they show where they are and the topic of the scene. but the objects are always deliberate. They also help show what the character is doing because if you see someone in a movie or tv show holding a glass you would expect that they would be drinking water. They help describe where the character is. For example - In the potions room there are lots of jars with pickled animals which makes it look really spooky.

Actions also explain the personality of the characters, it also helps the audience get an idea about the character they are watching. Like if the character slams the door when entering people will think they are mad or they are mean. If someones bouncing around you would expect that they are really happy or excited. For example - Professor Snape slammed the door when he walked into the potions room, which might show that he is mean and evil. The director / author probably did that because he wants to show the personality

The angles of the camera show what position the character is in for example - the camera's angle is looking down on the character you would think that they are small and less superior then the people afraid them because it is looking down. If you see someone with the camera looking up at them you would think that they would be superior and great. For example - The camera looks up at Hermione because she is probably more superior than Harry and Ron.


In most books and movies every thing that directors and authors do is deliberate, they do this to make sure that the audience can be drawn in and make quick connections with the characters and what roles they are playing. These elements are crucial for a book or a movie, because you wouldn't watch a movie where the actors were all in the same clothes.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Kawa kawa

For science today I researched about Kawa Kawa, here are some facts about this plant....

The Kawa Kawa is used as a digestive tonic, it helps ease gastric distress and indigestion due to overeating, reduces spasms in the gut, and helps dispel wind. It also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Kawa kawa is found in NZ.
WEATHER: Summer and Autumn, moist and rich soil, It doesn’t mind how much or little sun it has.

I find this plant really interesting. I never knew this about it before I started researching about it.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Plant Photography

For my passion project I have gotten and ipad and gone outside of the classroom with Clara and took photos of some interesting plants. It was really fun, I decided to take close up photos. They looked really cool. I also so tried to focus on one thing which made it stand out.
These are the photos.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Herbal healing garden

For science Sophie and I have decided to make garden that contains plants to help heal you. For example we are going to use....
Lemon mint - it helps you sleep
Marjoram - poor appetite, liver problems, gas, stomach cramps and gallstones
Lavender - it helps tension, curing headaches and calming your mind.
We chose all of these because they all help cure something different, from bad sleep to sore joints. 
Next week we will think about what we are doing for the watering system. 

Friday, September 4, 2020


Today in math we learnt about how to work out algebra questions. Algebra can be written in many ways. This is the easiest way to do it.
I hope this way works for you!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Writing from visual prompts

The last few weeks for literacy we have been writing story's based on a picture. We have been choosing one piece of writing and picked two set goals for it.
The goals for this piece of writing are:
1. Spelling, punctuation and grammar correct
2. Interesting language that matches the topic...

I think I have achieved these goals because the story stays on the same topic and I have spell checked all of the punctuation, spelling and grammar.

“ I have a piece of poetry for you” she cries, I sigh, Knowing how horrible her poetry is. “ The grass grows long” she starts. I cheer, trying to distract her from what she's doing. “ And the birds chirp, birds like you and like I, We sigh as the frogs croak their melody of a croak” “ I have had enough, OK Addison” I force these harmful words out of my beak, I know that Addison will be devastated about what I have just said. “ Your voice sounds like a dying cow” Addison turns away. Obviously crying. “ sorry, but it’s true” I shrug my shoulders as I say this.