
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The animal crossing

Today I wrote a story based on the prompt - the animal crossing.

Animals poured onto the road, like a flood of water pouring into a pool. The noise was excruciating for my ears, trunks blowing, lions roaring and duck quacking. They seemed to stick to their groups, African animals, farm animals and other animals. People were tooting their horns and police officers surrounded the chaos, their guns and shields held high. And then, like someone pushed the pause button, they froze, not even a blink of an eye. It all went silent.

The elephant blew its trunk and they ran, they ran like something was about to eat them for dinner. But thats the ironic part, there was something trying to kill them. A massive dinosaur looking animal was chasing after them, they had disappeared off the zebra crossing and they were heading for the park.I turned on my ignition and backed up ramming into other cars. I had no clue what to do.

Space haiku poem

Today I wrote a space haiku poem, the format for a haiku poem is...

 5 syllables

7 syllables

5 syllables

Space, lots of open space

The universe , miles and miles

Mars, sun and Neptune

Monday, August 30, 2021

Paper mars helicopter

 Today I made a paper mars helicopter, the first one didn't work ( because the  blades were too skinny and the body was small) The second one worked better because all the pieces of the helicopter were a similar size so it balanced easier. 

Space Acrostic Poem

 This week for literacy I did an acrostic poem about space

Stars shine brightly, illuminating the sky

People float around, life in zero gravity
Asteroids, zooming past the space shuttle
Comets and shooting stars, sights to remember

Earth, tiny from up here in Space

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Lockdown Fun

 As optional work, I got someone to put three items in a bag, I couldn't looks at thrm and I had to try guess what those items were, the first time I got all the items correct, the items were... A shell, a bike lights and a clove of garlic.

The second time I got two items correct, the items were ..... a mini beater ( I got this one wrong) , a bath plug and a comb.

The third time I got all the items correct ( but I pulled out the first item before I said it), the items were.... A zip tie, a piece of toilet paper ( not used) and a watch charger.

This was a really fun thing to do and it put my mind to the test.... See how many items you can get correct

The second thing I did for optional work was I did some tenpin bowling... this included ten drink bottles and a muscle ball. I ended up only knocking down 7 drink bottles, but that wasa first try and some of the drink bottles were metal ( one was metal and had water in it) so they were harder to knock over....

Monday, August 23, 2021

Neptune and Saturn

In Literacy I choose out of four tasks to compare two different planets, the planets are Neptune and Saturn

Is it worth

 Is it worth it??

Is it worth it to build a space station on the moon or mars, moon - yes - mars - no. I don’t think it is worth spending money building a space station on mars when we don’t have enough information about what could happen on mars. A disaterous storm could come and destroy the million dollar space station for all we know. I think it is better trying our luck with the moon, we have had many expeditions to the moon and we know a lot about it’s atmosphere and climate. We are well prepared for the moon, not mars.

I think that building a space station on the moon could give us easier access to more information about our universe, and even things that could help us travel to mars, or even other planets. I think that it is a great idea, but NASA, would have to be prepared for the worst, because we still don’t have as much information as we would like on things in our universe.

Hole in the paper


In literacy we had the challenge of drawing a hole in the piece of paper, we used a very simple tutorial. 
I think that it looks realistic - this is the tutorial...

Monday, August 16, 2021

french flash cards

 In french I chose to make flash cards to share m,y learning with other people,I made around 30 with all different basic words, such as hello and goodbye

Thursday, August 5, 2021


 Today at tech I had sewing, We are making bags with environmental messages, my message is to stops ice caps and ice bergs melting and to save to polar bears. On the bag I am drawing a polar bear with Ice bergs inside it. I think that it looks really cool. In robotics we ar making a 'rover that will go to mars' today we were just trying it out, so there lots of things we had to correct.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Science - Solar systems

Today In science I learnt that Jupiter is a 317 times bigger then earth. We used play dough to make sculptures of all the planets. the size difference is huge. We also learnt the placing of all the planets between the Sun and Pluto. The order is...

 Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

We were given a piece of paper and folded it in half, the planet directly in the middle is Uranus and closest to the sun is Mercury. Mercury is uninhabitable because it is too close to the sun, Neptune is uninhabitable because it is too far away and it is too cold.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Science sun dials

 In science today we made sun dials. From the positioning of the sun you can see what time of day it is. It only has from 5am to 7pm because there is no sun at night time

Verbal irony writing sample

                         Verbal Irony

My feet zoomed along the court, defending and passing.

Well, that's what I thought, until Lillian and her crew. 

3 days earlier

My feet zoom along the court, defending and passing. I hear people calling my name, yes, I’m doing so great. The coach blows the whistle, “Kaia, you need to focus”. 

“ Yes miss” I need to get my head in the game.

I run back onto the court and take my place, Wing Attack or WA. Miss Olivia says that this is a very crucial position to play. As the whistle blows, I start up my plan run, get the ball and pass it to the center circle, easy. Maybe not but… thats fine. I get the and my feet slip out from underneath me. I land smack bang on my face in a pile of dog poop. Great.

“ Great moves Kaia”

“ You have to teach me how you did that”

“ You are a great netball player”

“You Really zoom across the court”

Say Lillian and her crew.


 This is how the earth looks when the sun is shining on different surfaces.Th earth rotates anticlockwise on an axis as it orbits the sun. This is the link to our video

Link to video