
Monday, December 14, 2020

A & P show

This year we had an A&P show at our school, prior tot he actual A&P show cancellation. We started planning our A&P show in term four. There were many thighs to enter in, such as produce, crafts and baking, how does your garden grow, show us what your pet can do and a get the whole family involved. I entered the driftwood art competition, pressed flower competition and  driftwood garden. I got prizes for all of them. I got best in show for the driftwood garden and the other two got judges choice. On Thursday I volunteered ( along with Charlotte, Poppy and Cara) to help with the pony rides. We got to sit with one of the pony's and groom it. The pony was called lollipop. 
I also went skateboarding, it was a new thing for me and I found that I really enjoyed it. I also got 37 cm in the longest apple peel, there was a specific technique to it. Earlier that day we asked the fireman if we could go in the firetruck. It was so cool. When he turned on the lights we all lent out the truck to gaze at them. It was a really fun day and the process of making the entries was also fun.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

2020 - how it has gone

  This year has been a year that we have all had to adapt to. But everybody has ended up in a good way. I has been like a roller coaster. A roller coaster where friends have been there to calm your nerves and help you to the end. So this is how my 2020 went.

TERM 1 - 

Term one was a daunting term, because it was my first year stepping into tangaroa, a big senior. I felt so superior to being a year 6. And the senior jacket. Term one was also the term we started to become more independent. We went to camp at Spencer park, we had to bring a tent, put it up and own our self. Then we had to make our own tea. I had a burger and corn chips, it was yum.       

TERM 2 -

In term two we had to go into lock down. We all had to get into a different flow again. It disturbed everyone. But after a while my Chrome Book came. I found it easier to work at home, prior to no distractions.  I think that I got my work finished quicker without many distractions.

TERM 3 -

Term three was kind of a fun term. Once again we settled in to the flow of hand sanitizing and staying away from all of the bad germs. But once we got deeper into the term we got to experience Adrenalin forest. It was scary sitting up in the trees when all of the branches were shaking around. I also got to go skiing. The snow was very scarce but we had fun with the snow that was available.

TERM 4 -

Term four was a sailing mission. I nearly tipped to boat quite a bit. But thanks to encouragement from friends ( Poppy and Ava ) and some of the instructors I managed to keep going. We also got to tip the boat on purpose ( which is called capsizing ). It was an experience. 

HIGHLIGHT - We started surfing lessons.                                                                                                        EMBARRASSMENT - When we were playing spotlight at camp( with lives ), Mum was in, she tagged  Sophie and then I started talk to her, oblivious to the fact that she could tag me, and she got me.                      WHAT I LEARNT -   To always try things, but only do it if it is safe. In other words. Get beyond your safety zones.                                                      

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Pressing Flowers

 Today Clara and I decided that for the A&P show we would do pressed flowers. But there was a problem. We had no idea what to do. We got some nice flowers from outside and brought them inside. I grabbed some paper and she grabbed some magazines. We put the flowers inside the the paper then into the magazines. Then we pressed hard on them. We decided to put dictionaries on them to have a weight on them. We now have to wait a little bit so they can press nicely. 

Tabloid Sports

 Yesterday all of the year 3 and 4 kids from our school and Parkveiw went to tabloid sports down at the Shirley boys high school. A group of the year 7 and 8 students from our school had to help the little kids and the teachers. First all the seniors got assigned to the kids. Then we had to walk down in lines. I was working with Kirsten. We started with rugby. The kids had to do drills. Then we went to shot put. We got taught some Maori words. And we also got a technique to throw the put. The team I got put in got 36 points, I got seven of those points. Then we had a lunch break. After the break we continued on to netball, cricket and then relays. It was a tiring day. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Free write reveiw

This is part of a story I am writing. The things I could do better are add more description on the looks of the character. I hope you like this and please tell me about your feedback.

Hallucinations haunt my life, Mum is filled with them. Sometimes they make me want to cry. Especially when she brings dad into them, calling out his name for security. Sometimes I wish she could harness her hallucinations, like people do with fears. Spacing out has made Mum seriously addicted to her medications, I tried one once and it made me feel woozy as if I had just been spun around ready to pin the tail on the donkey.

“ Layla,love, do the washing, for your old Mum” Cries a bedraggled lady, coming out of her room.

“ More like for my mentally disturbed Mum” I mutter under my breath, hoping that Mum hasn’t heard

“ What was that Hun” Whines Mum

“ You need to speak up louder for my ears, you know what they’re like” Mum says cupping her hand round her ear as if to show she needs me to speak up.

“ sure sure” I yell back at her, exaggerating the speaking louder.

She rolls her eyes back at me, flopping onto the couch as she does so.

I pick up a piece of soggy clothing, and peg it to the line, having to rise up onto my tippy toes to reach the piece of wire. I stare down the line, eyeballing Cooper meanly. Making my point.

“ Not my fault I’m the favourite” He snaps at me.

“ defensive much “ I snark at him.

“ Muu” He starts to yell, but I cut him off.

“ Don’t you dare”

From behind me I can hear Apollo snapping furiously at ducks that have waddled down the lane.

“ Oy, Apollo, shut it you big doof, they’re just ducks” I yell at him. He bounds over, hoping for a belly rub or a tickle, but I displease him by sending him to his crate. For the rest of the time while I hang up the washing, Apollo is whining for attention. I have to snap at Cooper to make him ignore the moaning and pitiful pup.

“ sorry Coop, but he has to learn one day or another, soon we won’t be with him all the time” Cooper sighs and flicks himself effortlessly into a backflip.

Goodnight Mister Tom

 The book I am reading is called Goodnight Mister Tom. It is about a young evacuee from London that gets handed into the care of Mister Thomas Oakley. William Beech ( young evacuee ) is a shy, sickly look kid. He doesn't know how to read or right and goes by the name of Sissie Sillie Willie. He has an extraordinary artistic talent. After a while of being with Mister Tom his Mother calls him back to London. Mister Tom has to go rescue him before he gets to sick. 

Octagonal Pyramid

 Today for maths we had to construct an octagonal pyramid. It has nine faces in total, nine vertices in total, and 16 edges. It was really fun. Next week we will do more harder things and we will have to make the nets.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

3D shapes

 Today for maths we had to find as many ways as we could to make a 3D cubes. We had to make 3 or more nets. The measurements for the cube were 3cm by 3cm and the measurements for the square based pyramid are 4cm by 4cm, for the base, and 6cm for the triangle sides. The things I could work on are making the flaps bigger, also making the measurements for the cube better and more accurate. ( You wouldn't want me to build your house)

The pencil sharpener is to show the size the square based pyramid is

Friday, November 6, 2020

Rawhiti School A & P show

 In about a month our school is holding an A & P show. There are many events to enter yourself into. The events that the school has to offer are - Whole whanau activities (  there activities such as old recycled art ), All creatures great and small ( showing off what tricks your pets can do ) How does your garden grow ( events such as tallest sunflower) and Backing, produce and crafts ( the events are Animal shapes cupcakes ? biscuits, driftwood art)> I think that I will enter the competition where you have to take a photograph of an animal. I might even enter the driftwood art and make a driftwood bird feeder.  I hope that you find some inspiration from the ideas that I have, enter as many competitions as you can because it will be good for Rawhiti school. I am really excited and I can't wait to get started. 

Defining polygons


Today for maths I learnt how to define if a shape is a polygon or not.  A polygon is a shape that joins up at the end, eg - a circle or a square. Polygons are made up entirely of lines. I a shape has a curve then it is not a polygon. Also if a the shape has lines that intercept then they are not a polygon.To figure out if a polygon is regular or irregular you have to figure out if all sides are equal and all angles are equal, so if all the angles are 90 degrees  and all the sides are 2 meters, then that shape is a polygon.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Top Ten Tips For Surviving Tangaroa

 TIPS TO SURVIVING TANGAROA ( without getting called the ‘naughty kid’ )

So, for the new year 7’s coming into Tangaroa next year, I have a few tips for you. These may come in handy sometimes. You should follow these instructions very carefully. Some of these notes you may never need to use, but read this post from top to bottom. I mean it, you will need some of these tips at any part in your journey through Tangaroa. 

TIP # 1

When a teacher here says something, they aren’t just joking around. They mean it. If you take it as a joke it will turn around and bite you on the back. I would hate for this to happen to you so, if a teacher says something they mean it ( well except if they ask where their coffee is at surfing, I have had a few of these experiences myself)

TIP # 2

Just for your knowledge, you may have to line up outside sometimes, this can be a pain and a bummer if you are in the middle of something really important. But go quickly and silently outside. They never say boy and girl lines only. They approve of mixed gender lines. * the shortest line goes out first ( not the line closest to the door) and  if you are quiet then you have a better chance at getting back inside sooner.

TIP # 3

Be quiet when you're sitting on the mat. Teachers don’t like pest’s that talk talk talk. Some of the year 7’s know what I’m talking about. I haven’t been in that situation ( the situation where you get yelled at for talking) But I hate hearing the teachers yell and it is a lot more pleasant when they are happy :)

TIP # 4 

Get your work finished on time. Teachers love you when you are finished in advance. Some might call you the ‘ teacher's pet’ but ignore that. They are just jealous. There is another highlight to this, you year 6’s ( soon to become year 7’s ) will get more free time to do the things you love.

TIP # 5

Be prepared for the next subject that you have. The teachers hate when you ask for a pen or a pencil and then never give it back. So please, here’s a tip to make all of us happy, be prepared for the next subject that you have. Or you could just put a Harry Potter spell on your pencil so it flies back to the teacher after you have used it.

TIP # 6 

Tip # 6 will contain information that only the seniors know about. This thing is called the mat of shame. If you would like to know more then please read on. The mat of shame is something I have never experienced myself. It is a mat for the untidiest group. They sit on the tarpaulin to eat their food. So please, mind where your crumbs go.

TIP # 7

Bring some earplugs to school. Put them on before you enter the class because you will not want to hear Mr. Redmond’s ear bursting love music. If you ask him to turn it down he turns it up. If you ask him to turn it up, he turns it up. So bring earplugs ( or stand outside until the bell goes)* What we try doing is called reverse psychology.

TIP # 8

Hats, this is a big problem in our class. No one brings a hat to school in term one or term four. Even if you do have a hat, sometimes you can’t be bothered to wear it. But for the sake of others, please do wear it. If you don’t have a hat then sit under the roof outside of your class. Not under the shade sails because they don’t protect you enough.

TIP # 9

Be nice to your friends. All of your friends will like a whole heap of positive income. This tip isn’t just going to help you, but it will also have a positive effect on the environment of Tangaroa. Everyone will want a nice calm classroom to learn in :)

TIP # 10

Take all the opportunities that you can. This is said in lots of the leavers assembly speeches. They are telling the truth. A lot of opportunities are available in Tangaroa. You will find a few that you like. You don’t necessarily have to do everything. But taking a few opportunities is good.

I hope some of these tips will come in handy!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


 Yesterday we had athletics. Since I am a year 7 girl, I did long jump first. I managed to jump 3 meters and 90 centimetres, I came second, the person who came first jumped 4.5 meters. Then we had sprints, I came second in the heats and second in finals. Then we had middle distance, It was three laps around the bike track. Then it were shot put and discus, I think that I could have done better then I did.  But I tried my hardest and that is all the matters. Then it was high jump, I managed to jump 1.10. I came second. It was a good day. 

Math photography

Today for maths Clara, Skye, Charlotte and I went around the school looking for lines that were horizontal, parallel, perpendicular three dimensional or vertical. Then we took a photo of the shape. I found quite a few shapes that were within the criteria. I had to pick out from of them. Here are some things that I learnt:

Parallel lines are equal lines with equal lengths that don't meet, horizontal lines go left to right, vertical lines go up and down, three dimensional shapes show the depth, length and width of the shape, and perpendicular shapes  cross over like like an X.

I hope you learnt something.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020



This week for maths we have been learning about dimensional shapes, 2 dimensional shapes and 3 dimensional shapes. Or you could call them 1D shapes, 2D shapes and 3D shapes. Today for maths we focused on polygons, one dimensional shapes. polygons are usually named after the amount of sides that they have. For example a quadrilateral has four sides and quad means four. The rules of a polygon are that they have to be made of straight lines. They have to be flat. They are also closed figures that have no overlapping figures. I hope you have learnt something.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Why manners are benefited in the world

Why should students in schools be taught to use manners? Well first off, manners increase the rate of someone getting a job, because imagine going up and applying  for a job, using swear words and not thanking after you receive something then that is just going to lower the rate for you getting the job. Manners also help children becoming friends and creating strong and lasting friendships. Society would be a mess without manners, there would be people with free - for - all behaviors with more authoritative people messing around with the lower people. It would down the rate of people who care for others. Here's a tip, if you are nice at your home, then the attitude from your house will usually be carried to your school or workplace and the nice behaviors will begin to set at the place you work at. If you do this then you will also start being a role model for others around you. One saying goes - treat others how you want to be treated. If you follow that saying and treat others kindly then you will get those kind words and actions back, it will make everyone happy.

Imagine this, a world full of nasty people with a mind full of nasty things to blurt out at you. Did you know, that a research shows that if your child has rude things said to them then they carry those things onto other person, to get out he anger from them. Another research shows, that if you are driving with bad thoughts then it increases the rate of a car crash by 7 percent. It would be sad to see people die from having bad thoughts in their head, wouldn't it? Did you know, that having a good conversation that lasts for at least five minutes helps good things flow into your mind and change a red brain to a green brain. Also, showing proper etiquette and manners benefits your confidence quite a lot. 

One of the most common use of manners is the use of good hygiene. Some people wouldn't call this manners. But truly, it is. If you go bathroom, wash your hands, if you sneeze into your hands wash them. It is that simple. Their are other levels of hygiene, for instance, wear clothes that aren't old and holey, this shows signs of respect to others. Even making sure you don't have bad breath is using your manners. It makes you more pleasant to be around.

Here are 3 general tips to keeping the world a more pleasant place.

1. Don't talk while others are talking - If you talk over others it shows that you don;t care for what they say, even if you really don't care, show your respect by looking at them and not talking to the person beside you. In some cases it is alright to do this, for example - you are having a conversation with someone, and the person beside you is also having a conversation with another person that doesn't involve you. But make sure you keep your voice down. 

2. Realize your mistakes - If you accidentally hurt someone mentally or physically, don't just walk away, make sure you check that they are OK. If you do it on purpose, you need to think for a moment and out yourself in the victims shoes. How would you feel if you do it, Once you have had a think then go and apologize. Never walk away from mistakes. Own up to them. 

3. Keep negative opinions to yourself - If you have any negative thoughts or things to say about someone, keep them to yourself, because in many cases it hurts the person to know what you have to say. Think before you speak or will have to face up to the consequence. No one will want you to say bad things about them. Don't even say them to someone else behind the victims back. You could write them in a book and keep the thoughts and opinions to yourself. 

Try and see the funny side of things when they go wrong, it helps everyone realize that things do go wrong sometimes and people do make mistakes. Manners con make you into a better person, and the world into a better place, so try them for yourself. See if it helps your well being.

I hope this advice helps you!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Cryptic crosswords

 This week we have been learning how to solve cryptic crosswords. We mainly worked on hidden words that you have to find the answer hidden in a sentence. Can you find the answers.

Niue info

For Niuean language week we learnt about the general information of Niue. This is the info that I collected. I hope you learn something. 

Population - 1,624 thousand people live on the island of Niue
Highest point of Niue - 65 meters above sea level
Languages - Niuean and English
National animal - Niue blue ( butterfly )
National foods - nane ( porridge ) ika mata ( raw fish in coconut cream )
Area - 261.5 KM 2
Religion - most people belong to Ekalesia Niue, other religions available too
Prime Minister - Dalton Tagelagi
Capital city - Alofi
Continent - Oceania
Time - 24 hours behind of New Zealand
Date of Independence - 19 October 1974 ( called Constitution Day )
Fly time from Auckland to Niue -3 hours 15 mins


 This week for maths we are starting to learn about geometry. At the start of the lesson we got taught about degrees and north, south, east and west. Then we split of into groups. The group I was in looked at shapes and decided how many sides, corners and verticals the shapes had. At the start I have to take a while to figure out what I had to do, but then I got into the flow of it and started to understand a little bit more. My next goals for geometry are to know all the basics and some things that are more advanced.

It is wrong to fight

This week for literacy we had to do a writing sample to show our level of writing. The topic is...

It is wrong to fight. I hope that you enjoy reading this.

When most people think about fighting they think about physical fighting, but sometimes verbal messages are more hurtful. It is alright to fight back verbally but you have to think before you act because when you are in a red brain ( angry brain ) then you don’t do so. But it is definitely wrong to start up a fight because even if someone fights back, you will have caused a problem. So I agree with this topic, it is completely wrong to fight. 

Some people think that people who start up and finish fights are heartless, but are they?

Of course they aren’t. Most of their fights are usually caused by family affairs, they most likely want to take out their anger on someone else that is innocent because they think it will make themselves better people. But it won’t, will it. This just makes fighting more horrible than it actually is. Studies show that kids will copy their parents behaviors, sometimes that child is pressured into doing something. This is completely wrong.  

Counter arguments:

Sometimes physical fighting is alright, but you need to know when it is alright. Fighting is ok when you are using it to defend yourself from harm.  You could also fight someone in a dojo for karate or other things, why, because this is a sport where trained coaches are around you and can help you. If you ever do get into a fight it is still better to be silent and walk away.  Sometimes if you have a good place to do it, you can fight to let aggression and emotions out of your mind.

Research shows that males are more commonly in physical fights then women in verbal fights. 30%  of male actually report being in fights physically or verbally and 70% of women report being in a physical or verbal fight. This shows that women are better at owning up to their mistakes and going with the punishments than men are. In other words this means that, if you have not been the one to start up a fight, but to go back at the person, you are still doing wrong, but owning up and facing the consequences. This also means that women aren’t starting up the majority of the fights. 

I think that fighting has decreased since 1997, why? Because there are a whole lot less gangs, which means that we are taking action and stopping the fights. I think that as a whole, fighting is bad, verbal or physical. So no more fighting. It is completely wrong. Weather you start the fight or add on to the fight, either way it is still wrong. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Analysis of script

In class we have been looking at how authors and directors tell a story about a character, they not only use words but they also use stereo - type costumes. Some of the ways they help us to know the character is by using actions, speech, environment, costume and the general appearance of the character. 

We looked at some of the scenes from harry potter and the philosophers stone, We also read some of the extracts from the book to get a hold of the more exquisite details. We looked at things like costume stereo -typing, like Professor Dumbledore's wizard cloak and hat. We did this to make sure we could tell that all the things that the director do are deliberate. 

In the scene below, Kirsten Clara and I have been working on all of the aspects and small details that define a character. I have asked Sophie to go through the script and give me feedback on the work we have done. She also highlighted the main aspects all in a different color.                                                                          Actions - red, appearance - yellow, Environment - green and speech - blue. 

I think I have done a good job of creating my character using Actions. I like using actions because it adds a little bit more description, but I think that I need to add more details about the environment. I cold also add some more about the main characters ( Kate ) Appearance and their personality. I hope you enjoy reading this and please comment your feedback.

A cramp starts to prickle up my arm and I shake it, trying to get rid of the pain. The noise of students chattering is a noisy blur as I return to my essay. A tall girl with dark brown curls cascading down her back kicked my foot and I wince, rubbing my toe. “Hahaha” the girl sniggered, smirking down at me, “Look at Katie-pie, the loner” 

I glance at her quickly then train my gase back to the ground. 

Her friend rolls her eyes, “Come on Mia, she’s not worth our time”. With a last seething glance Mia stalks away with her friend in tow and I lose them in the crowd in seconds, though just before the door at the end of the corridor closes, I can just here the yell of “Lovey, lonely loner” 

I bit my lip and tried to ignore the burn in my eyes. I glance back down at papers in my hand and the title in big writing, ‘Hemiptera in the Rainforest’. 

“ They're, hemiptera, 7.6 million per square meter” I gobble midlessley, getting a few weird glances from the last of the students leaving but I'm used to it by now. I glance up when a pair of green and brown spotty shoes stop in front of me. “Himph, here we go” I mutter under my breath and pretend to not notice her standing there. 

“Kate, Kate” Miss Darins says softly but I keep my eyes down and continue scribbling on the paper. “Kate, love are you alright?”

“Mmm yep, fine” I say, not really paying attention. 

She bends down so she is crouched beside me and I get hit by a wave of perfume. “Where are all your friends”

I frown and glance away, watching the last few stranglers as they push through the double doors.  “Don’t have any” 

“Oh darling” The teacher breaths right in my face and I push back against the wall, skewing my face up slightly. “I can find you some”

Oh because teachers were for finding people friends. I clench my hands to force myself not to roll my eyes. 

“My books are all the matters to me” I say, my mind wandering. “Anyway I should keep studying” 

A look of maybe hurt or confusion flashed across her face but she quickly re Reuters to her normal expression. “Right and I have to get to a meeting” She stands up and flattens her already flat skirt. “Bye Kate” She says in a clipped voice then hurriedly walks down the hall, disappearing into one of the class rooms.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Tan grams

 Today for maths we learnt about geometry. After we had learnt about the basics e.g. vertically opposite lines equal the same degrees. Then we went on a site that you have to make tan grams on. We also had to make sure that we flipped, rotated and slid the shapes. There were a certain amount shapes and you had to fit them into an outline with no spares. It was really fun and I made quite a few. These are the shapes I made.

I got a wolf, a horse and a swan.

This is a wolf

This is a horse
This is a swan

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Sailing at lake Rua

 Yesterday at 9 O clock the year sevens from tangaroa went onto either the bus or the van and traveled to lake Rua. Lake Rua is close to the airport, and around it, are multiple building sites. When we got there we stopped to have a little bit of a snack to energize us before learning how to rig up an optimist sail boat. Sadly, we didn't see the male paradise duck, his wife died a few days ago, he still has a few wee chicks. First we got out all of the boats in groups of six, working together it made the boat feel light, but truly, it was actually quite heavy. Then we got into two groups of people and we learnt how to rig up the boat and the names of all the pieces. We got told to watch the TV while we were sailing, meaning that we had to look where we need to go. I liked doing the blood knot because it was quite simple. I got to put a boat together with a group of three, the group of three I was in contained Poppy, Ava and I. 

First we had to sail out to a buoy and back with a instructor next to you in a motor boat, while I was going out to the buoy, the wind stopped and I had to be pulled by the motor boat. It made me go really fast. Then we brought out a few more boats and ewe went free for all. I liked helping people bring their boats in because you got to pull up the rudder and direct the boat so it would spin around. Then we got to have lunch, I had a big feast and was extremely happy when Mr Redmond handed out fruit cups, 1 square meals and loads of nuts. Then we got to practice capsizing which was so fun because once the boat had tipped over then we had to hold onto the center board that balances the boat and lean backward to make the boat go right way up. At the end of the day we got to go for a swim, the eater was fresh but it was also nice. Then we had to go. The day was really fun and I would like to go again.  

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Cellphones At school???

No, I don't think that students should be allowed to have cellphones at school. Why???? Because they will distract the student from their work, when a text comes in, all they will want to do is check it. It will not only put them off task but it will also cause the other students around them to become distracted and off task. I think that students should be allowed phones only before school and after school. If any emergency occurs then they can check the message after school or the person sending the text can be notified that they need to send the text to the office. Another reason is that they will want to play games throughout class time. Which again, will not only distract them but the students around them. It would also encourage disobedience because when someone is in a cell phone, it is hard to get them to turn it off. Usually the only answer for disobedience is for them to have it confiscated for a period of time. Another reason is because the students might complain about their phone being broken or someone has stolen it. They would keep moaning about it until it would turn up again. This is a sign that they are attached to the phone and they want it back. They would also not want to do work because it would be in their pocket or tote tray and they would keep going back for it. So they would be showing more signs of disobedience. So I am definitely against this. NO PHONES AT SCHOOL.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Healing garden science

Sophie and I chose herbal health because we were interested in plants that can heal your body from simply eating them or making them into teas. This topic drew me in because I wanted to be able to name plants that can heal you, all of them in different ways. Before I started this science project I only knew about a few plants that could heal the body for example Aloe Vera which heals cuts and scrapes and lemon mint which helps you go to sleep and it soothes headaches. After doing the project I have learnt a lot of valuable information. Like, what plants like sun and what plants don’t, what plants heal wounds and what plants heal mental problems. I also learnt what plants like what amount of sun. We put the Aloe Vera under a shade sail because it doesn't like the sun.

Friday, September 25, 2020

School ski trip

 On Tuesday the year 7/8's went on a ski trip. We had to be at school before 6:30. The bus ride was really long but when we got there I was really excited. There wasn't much snow and it was really windy but it was still lots of fun. I went on the top lifts with Poppy and Clara and Hamish. AT lunch we brought hot curly fries to warm us up. I wish I could go again. 

Domain opening

Yesterday, me and some of the selected students in our class went to the new under covered netball courts. AT the start when we arrived we got told that someone famous was going to be there, the people organizing the event made us and few of the others schools play all in tag. We were surprised when Jacinda Ardern got out of her car. I even got her autograph and Poto William's too. It was really fun.

Examining the texts Essay

Most authors and directors make all the actions, costume and sounds deliberate. They also use these elements to make sure the audience can make quick connections about the character and their personality. They make the movie and the characters more interesting as well.

Most characters' costumes are made to show the character's personality. The characters' costumes are also deliberate. Sometimes characters have stereo - type costumes for example - Professor Snape was wearing black so he is mean and evil, or, Ron was wearing old second - hand clothes so he is poor, the lady walking down the street is wearing pink, yellow and green so she is happy and nice. One thing that really caught my attention was that Hermione was wearing her school robes which made her look ready and prepared, but her hair was poofy and wild.

The objects in the scene describe where they are, sometimes they show where they are and the topic of the scene. but the objects are always deliberate. They also help show what the character is doing because if you see someone in a movie or tv show holding a glass you would expect that they would be drinking water. They help describe where the character is. For example - In the potions room there are lots of jars with pickled animals which makes it look really spooky.

Actions also explain the personality of the characters, it also helps the audience get an idea about the character they are watching. Like if the character slams the door when entering people will think they are mad or they are mean. If someones bouncing around you would expect that they are really happy or excited. For example - Professor Snape slammed the door when he walked into the potions room, which might show that he is mean and evil. The director / author probably did that because he wants to show the personality

The angles of the camera show what position the character is in for example - the camera's angle is looking down on the character you would think that they are small and less superior then the people afraid them because it is looking down. If you see someone with the camera looking up at them you would think that they would be superior and great. For example - The camera looks up at Hermione because she is probably more superior than Harry and Ron.


In most books and movies every thing that directors and authors do is deliberate, they do this to make sure that the audience can be drawn in and make quick connections with the characters and what roles they are playing. These elements are crucial for a book or a movie, because you wouldn't watch a movie where the actors were all in the same clothes.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Kawa kawa

For science today I researched about Kawa Kawa, here are some facts about this plant....

The Kawa Kawa is used as a digestive tonic, it helps ease gastric distress and indigestion due to overeating, reduces spasms in the gut, and helps dispel wind. It also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Kawa kawa is found in NZ.
WEATHER: Summer and Autumn, moist and rich soil, It doesn’t mind how much or little sun it has.

I find this plant really interesting. I never knew this about it before I started researching about it.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Plant Photography

For my passion project I have gotten and ipad and gone outside of the classroom with Clara and took photos of some interesting plants. It was really fun, I decided to take close up photos. They looked really cool. I also so tried to focus on one thing which made it stand out.
These are the photos.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Herbal healing garden

For science Sophie and I have decided to make garden that contains plants to help heal you. For example we are going to use....
Lemon mint - it helps you sleep
Marjoram - poor appetite, liver problems, gas, stomach cramps and gallstones
Lavender - it helps tension, curing headaches and calming your mind.
We chose all of these because they all help cure something different, from bad sleep to sore joints. 
Next week we will think about what we are doing for the watering system. 

Friday, September 4, 2020


Today in math we learnt about how to work out algebra questions. Algebra can be written in many ways. This is the easiest way to do it.
I hope this way works for you!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Writing from visual prompts

The last few weeks for literacy we have been writing story's based on a picture. We have been choosing one piece of writing and picked two set goals for it.
The goals for this piece of writing are:
1. Spelling, punctuation and grammar correct
2. Interesting language that matches the topic...

I think I have achieved these goals because the story stays on the same topic and I have spell checked all of the punctuation, spelling and grammar.

“ I have a piece of poetry for you” she cries, I sigh, Knowing how horrible her poetry is. “ The grass grows long” she starts. I cheer, trying to distract her from what she's doing. “ And the birds chirp, birds like you and like I, We sigh as the frogs croak their melody of a croak” “ I have had enough, OK Addison” I force these harmful words out of my beak, I know that Addison will be devastated about what I have just said. “ Your voice sounds like a dying cow” Addison turns away. Obviously crying. “ sorry, but it’s true” I shrug my shoulders as I say this.

Monday, August 31, 2020

24 Hour clock

For maths today we looked at 24 hour clocks. 24 hour clocks are hard to muck up. But 12 hour clocks are really easy to muck up because... There is 6am and 6pm, 4am and 4pm. but on a 24 hour clock it would be more like this.
0600 ( 6am) 1800 ( 6pm), 0400 ( 4am) 1600 ( 4pm)
For PM when you want to find the time you have to  add 12 onto it...  E.G 5 + 12 = 1700
I liked doing this, and I can't wait for next time.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Visual prompt story

This week for literacy we have been writing stories based on a visual prompt. Th is the story and picture for today, my two goals are to have flowing paragraphs and sentences that have correct grammar. I think I have achieved these two goals by reading through my story and correcting all the grammar mistakes and making them all correct, and making sure that the sentences make sense.

The poppies that surround me are tangled up in the lethal barbed wire. Looking at the poppies, all I can think of is the poppies red blood that is pouring out of my chest and onto the bullet covered ground. I know that I was not the only one that has been injured by the enemies weapon. I can hear them grunting and groaning. I can’t save them. But I can save myself. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Area of a triangle

This google draw will show you how to find the area of a triangle:

Area of a circle

The last few weeks we have been learning about how to find the area of a circle. The questions have been using PI ( 3.142 ). The formula to find the area of a circle is...
π = 3.14
Area = π  x  r  x  r. For example the question could be find the area of a circle that has the radius of 5m.
This is a diagram showing how to work it out

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Short story

This week for literacy we have been writing stories based on a picture. This is my short story...

She tugs on the back of his plain shirt. “ Dad, Can we play with the kite” She whines.
“ Stop whining Elodie” He moans and continues to tap away at his computer. Elodie sighs, and turns away. wishing she had a friend. She prepares her hand to tap at her Dads back. But he notices and shoos her away. Again she turns away. Her heart is full of loneliness. “ But Dad it’s my birthday” The father moans and looks at his daughter in dismay. “ only this once OK El…” he doesn’t get to finish his sentence because Elodie is already calling his name from outside of the door. He stands up and begins to walk away from his work.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Circumference of a circle

Today for maths we had to find the circumference of a circle using PI ( 3.14 ) times the diameter.
We used our foot lengths to measure the diameter of the circle then we x Pi with the diameter. The circle we used was the big circle on the middle of the basketball court. It took me thirteen and a half footsteps to travel from one half of the circle to the other. After I had found the amount of footsteps I needed, Then I remembered that... It took 5 footsteps to travel a meter ( heel to toe). So I did.. 5 into 13.5 was 2 +R 2.5
Then when I x 13.5 with 3.14 equaled 42.39.
These are the photos of us doing it . . .

Snow leopard diagram


This is my diagram about a snow leopard. The lines point to what I am explaining about and in the box is the writing. We have been doing this for literacy and I chose a snow leopard because they are very cool animals and there is a lot I don't know about them that I wanted to know. 


Thursday, August 13, 2020

Maths and Volume

 Today for maths we did area and volume problems. One of the problems were...

V= Width x length x height

= 6m x 8m x 4m

= 192 M3

I like doing this sort of maths even though at times it is quite hard. I also learned that you have to times the length width and height together so you can find the volume.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Maths today

today in maths we learnt about are, circumference, perimeter and volume. It was hard at first. But then after a bit of explaining I got it under my belt easily. We also got taught the formula of circumference, perimeter and volume. My next goal is to be able to remember the formulas really easily.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Animals and the ocean glossary

This is a glossary about the ocean and the animals in it. We did this for literacy work.

Amphibian : Animals that can breathe in the water and out of the water
Crevice: A gap or hole between two rocks
Colonies: Groups of birds or fish that live together
Currents: Movement under the ocean
Dive: To plunge into the water head first
Ecosystem: The way animals live together
Gland: Part of the body that can produce chemicals
Gills: The part of the fishes body that can breathe
Life cycle : The order of the way an animal grows
Migrate: Moving from one part of the sea to the other
Native: Animals that live in 1 to 4 countries
Oceanography: To write scientifically about the ocean
Predator:An animal that eats other animals
Prey: An animal that is eaten by other animals
Reef: A series of corals or other underwater plants on rocks or the sea floor
Spout: Where a whale/ dolphin breathes out of
Species: A group of animals that are similar
School: A group of animals that live together
Surroundings: The are you see around you
Waterproof: Something that doesn’t get wet from water